What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

The Republicans going all in on culture warring about gay and trans people is fantastic long term. Anything to peel away voters. Many of the inlaws were all aboard with racism, thats the grand old part of the party, this is putting them in very uncomfortable positions facing some uncomfortable truths.

It's dogshit deplorable behavior, DeSantis knows his voters though and I would assume is angling to run for president.

That's what an evangelical country is like.
I think that pronoun shit is ridiculous myself. It's just another label.

Lucky man(?) to have never gotten the wrong kind of attention…obviously too young to remember the days of “I caint tell if yer a BOY or a GIRL!”

That’s a party startin’ right there...the kind ya don’t want to be at
A deacon who is a member of Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis’ “Faith and Community-Based Initiative” is fired after reporters uncover that he “had sex” with a teen student while he was a high school teacher.
Ever wonder if these would be dictators like DeSantis/Trump get so much support from these political/religious/wealthy hacks because they have all sorts of dirt on them and are forcing them to bend the knee?