what would be a fair way to split this?

That's funny. I am not saying 80 dollars is a lot of money, it isn't, but that's the system, so that's what he pays. Go to a fucking atm if you have to they only dispense 20's where I am from. I charge that extra 80, because an extra "hundo" (is that what the ballas call it now?) seems like a tad too much. I am obsessed with fairness, I wouldn't move any shit if I wasn't turning 80/oz, so I don't expect him to, likewise, I want to make sure I am adequately compensating time away from my family and such. My time is money. And that 80 dollars is necessary.

Making 80 on every ounce is something people in the HOOD do because they are cheap and don't always have a steady supply so they try to get as much as they can from every OZ. MY buddy makes 25 and OZ, no matter what it is or what he paid for it! All his customers call him first. He now moves almost a LB a day in just ounces, that's 400 profit a day in just small sacks (3-5 lbs a day with larger sales)! If you can't get more sell it for more, but if you have a steady supply, selling it cheaper will help you in the long run! people will pass the word on that you aren't robbing people and your business will grow!
If my guy makes more than that, good for him, I don't care, I just care about making sure he can at least make something decent. The last thing you want is to have your guy pissed at you, for a good reason, at that.

If he is buying it, he can only be pissed at himself! He can always say "NO" or "Sorry I can't move it for that much"
growing is a lot of work, I think you ......errrr bob should employ billy. or even go as far as make billy a partner and split costs(growing pot isn't cheap). then again maybe bob doesn't have much better to do than formulate plans on pot growing forums and has everything but sales down I dunno.
Well, people who buy from him don't seem to have a problem with it, and he sure as hell likes making what I allow him to make off it without having to be cheap.

you don't allow him to make anything, If he is buying it from you at a set price he then resells it for what ever he can. If he is buying ounces and breaking them down, I doubt he sells all his sacks at the same price! I bet some people get 1/8ths for 40 and some pay less and some pay more! My buddy sells his stuff to different people at different prices because he knows some people will pay more. So he makes what the market allows him to make! If he buys the first one off you and comes back for another then it must have been worth it for him! I'm not trying to say be greedy and get everything you can out of him, but it is a business transaction! Treat it like one!
If the OP has to ask the question he is prolly new to the business. Partners,employees,etc are all just problems waiting to happen.Remeber if your the top of the food chain you also risk the greatest fall.Greed,jealousy,police problems,etc can bring everything down.If your the grower then NO one should know,especially the peeps who buy from u,they should think u know where to get it.e.g bob is selling to bill,bill sells to an undercover,or one of bills people brings an undercover,bill gets busted and says hhmmm 4-6 years or hey i know this guy. good luck and remember if you cant do the time dont do the crime!
i agree, i don't think your prices are bad at all, i know what i pay around my way on the east coast, and it's not cheap..
i'd also say just sell it to bill for whatever you want to , and if bill can make money off of it after he pays you, good for bill.. if you've got a lot to move, i'd make it good for bill though for sure.. not so good that bob doesn't get paid either, but good enough that he comes back for that second and third zip if you know what i mean..
if he comes back, he's happy and has made his money and will be willing to do future business with bob..if not, maybe think about dropping bob's prices so that bill is more apt to keep coming back..
LOL 300-350 for oz ,60 for eighth, and 20 for gram, near me that why I start to grow I see a lucrative business opportunity n I take. I LOVE CAPITALISM
your underling should be happy buying at 300 n take whatever profit he makes
or bob could sell the oz to billy at 350 and oz and whatever profit billy can make off it he can keep. or bob could sell it to billy at 900 a quarter pound and make billy's profit margin larger.. hypothetically speaking that is...
LOL 300-350 for oz ,60 for eighth, and 20 for gram, near me that why I start to grow I see a lucrative business opportunity n I take. I LOVE CAPITALISM
your underling should be happy buying at 300 n take whatever profit he makes
I'd quit smoking weed before I paid 20 a gram. What you don't know is your time on top would end if only the location you lived in allowed legal medical weed, you would no longer be able to price gouge for a product that should be half the cost.