what would cause some of my plants to grow fast and outhers slow?


Active Member
I will post some pix so i can show you what i mean but i have had first 12 now just 9 plants vegging for a month now and some I think are ready to flip and flower and some are not .... what might cause this difference in growth to occur?

OK so i have 9 plants in a three by three and i have 2 600w hps lights above them ... as you can see in the pix i have 3 plants that are doing awesome they are nice and big ... and then i have 6 plants that are just soooo much smaller ... and i just cant explain it ... one that even looks like it did when it was freshly cloned ...

I dont know any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Genitics? That is quite a difference in growth though. Maybe some of the root structures were a bit immature before you transplanted?


Well-Known Member
its usually root bounding.... check out my link you'll see that some grew bigger than others when placed in the same conditions with different pot sizes.. as soon as a transplanted fro 16 oz cps they exploded


Well-Known Member
if its the same general genes... then that leaves environment.

the biggest likelihood, IMO, if ur growing in soil is that differences in soil moisture are responsible. (With excess moisture not allowing the roots to breathe.) Plants stunt in their growth very quickly when the roots aren't receiving as much air as they need.


Active Member
I am using hydroponics .... and some flourished and some did not ... they were clones when i got them.

also they are all in 2 gallon buckets ... so i don't think that has anything to do with it ...


Well-Known Member
personally I think You have too much light on them, Try using just 1 600w for week, see if it helps.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i allways notice males and females grow at different speeds (usualy males grow the quickest )
also different positions under the light , certain spots under the lights recieve different amounts of lights , i rotate my plants to combat this .


Well-Known Member
i allways notice males and females grow at different speeds (usualy males grow the quickest )
also different positions under the light , certain spots under the lights recieve different amounts of lights , i rotate my plants to combat this .
What he said..:clap: