It seems most inexperienced noobs, like myself,
Start their super tomato plants from subpar random runtling genetics, grown in spatially cramped and Light starved conditions, yet remain heat stressed and under-cooled,
over-fed with wallet-voiding hundredollar snake oils marketed in flashy bottles...
poisoned with polluted air and
burnt with nutrient salts,
Under Nitrogenated yet their Growth media hyperPKed causing Chlorotic/necrotic Leaf tips- worsened by tap water's contaminates as heavy metals, lead, arsenic, concentrated chloramines and fluoride,
pest-infected through grower's hands/feet vectors,
spider mites find these heavenly havens...
Yet the noob Omnicidally annihilates beneficial soil microbials,
Plants undervented with radioactive urban air,
root bound and under-potted,
CO2 starved,
Growth tips pruned, hyper-stressed and growth stunted,
Following Bought and paid for BS advice, Lollypopped and over-defoliated,
Basically treated as if it was not a living entity, but a dead green computer machine subservient to the demands of human hedonism.
These poor yet resilient organisms, now Overcome with Diseases- gardener induced,
These ladies are over-thought, yet under researched,
With meristems topped too late and trained improperly,
Lacking discretionary measures like odor control and running mouth syndrome, sinking ships
prematurely harvest impatiently without hesitation, just as the ladies were beginning to recover from the grower's abuses...
Controlled by greed,
Her Flowers are Disrespected,
speed-dried , dehydrated, and expertly anti-cured to seal in her buds the chlorophyllic Taste of hay, barely fit for a silage trough,
these barely living plant ladies are over-expectorated, hyper-complicated, under-planned, and mostly mis-understood.
Finally, all of these failings Result in what??
Most likely -- >toxic grass clippings!
At best Bottom barrel beasters if lady luck smiled upon that fool,
yet according to the noob "grower," these are the best homegrown purple cherokee heirloom tomatoes he has ever seen and smoked! Hurry up and spend a full day's wahes on an adeptly eyeballed eighth, while suckers swoon over anything besides mexican schwag.
Sux to be inexperienced...
Fortunately for my future harem's ladies, I am working hard on the planning problems by gaining greater understanding, thanks to RIU!
Are Eye You? Areyeau? I like phonetics. Bed time haha!
Random Question for rep+- Does vaping freshly picked tomato flowers work better than smoking quickdried buds?
p.s.s this post made me realize why the experts on here get a little cranky at times! So much stupid, so little time for cannaba-Cupid to cure it!!