What would happen............


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is still "illegal" so no, no jail/prison would offer it to you, state-run or fed-run. But, some zoos... a few packs of GPC's and you got yourself a blunt if you know the right people.


Well-Known Member
man they didnt give me mine lol
Damm that sucks,the thing when i got pulled over was that i wasnt even taking the oxy's for a few weeks,my back wasnt hurting too bad so i was just taking vicoden instead,when the cop snagged me up i told him about the perscription in my dash,he grabbed & took it with him,then the jail nurse interviewed me & started setting them out every 12 hours.

In prison you aint getting shit no matter how much fukin pain your in,i had an abcessed tooth the size of a baseball & the doctors answer was for me to quit smoking ciggerettes,they tell you that shit for everything.

In prison if your in pain your best bet is to score some boy thats been trampled,other than that your outta luck.


Well-Known Member
Yet we hear all these people bitching about how great folks in prison have it. Better medical and dental care, better food (huh?), better cable tv.... :?


Well-Known Member
Yet we hear all these people bitching about how great folks in prison have it. Better medical and dental care, better food (huh?), better cable tv.... :?

Maybe in a federal joint,i dont know as ive never been federal but in state run joints its fuked all around,the food is substandard & below what people receiving food stamps would eat,the med care is non existing,both prisons i was in when you saw the doc the very 1st question they asked you was if you smoked cigs,if you answer yes their treatment is to tell you to quit smoking,thats no shit either,just getting an asprin or antibiotic is a miricale.

I had to lance my own abcess tooth in the gum area & buy some heroin for the pain,fukers wouldnt give me anything but an asprin & told me to rinse with salt water 3 times a day & quit smoking.

Enlightened One

Well-Known Member
..............if you went to jail for a non mj related charge,then lets say that you had a perscription for medical mj,does anybody know if the jail would allow you to use the medicine that was prescribed to you ?

The reason i ask is this,i went to jail a few years ago over unpaid parking tickets my wife got & threw away :dunce:,i know she was stupid but i still love her :mrgreen:,anyhow i spent friday through monday in jail waiting to see a judge & i had a script of 80 MG Oxycontin with me when they grabbed me,my dose was 2 times daily,sure as shit the jail nurse brought me my meds like clock work.

Im wondering if this has ever happened to anybody with medical mj & if they allowed you access to your meds?
Very doubtful. Most jails won't allow ANY narcotic, even perscribed