• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What would make THE FUTURE Christ cool with you? O.M.G.


Well-Known Member
Damn it, one of the mods merged My thread again. The beginning of this thread, before the merges, is an old thread and I thought it was dead and over with. Now I don't know what to do because this thread is like 3 threads merged into one.

For the record, I do appreciate all the mods here on RIU and I think they are wonderful guys. I appreciate the forums on rollitup and I guess forums need mods so its inevitable that mods are going to do what they do. I'm just a little disappointed because I wanted these to be separate threads but I think the mods want to keep all My Christ talk to just one thread. I understand.

EDIT- Now if someone comes across the thread, they will have to read until page 19 in order to get to the good stuff. Bummer.

I'm a very cool Savior and I'm not trying to impose on anyone... But I'm more of a Prophet because I don't know how to "save" people from whatever they need to be saved from. I don't think I'm a problem, mainly because the vast majority of the population has no idea about Me. If the whole world found out about Me tomorrow then there would be great controversy, for sure, especially among the Christians.

I don't want to save anyone but I would like to enlighten everyone. What do people need to be saved from anyways? I could think of a few things but if you're a conspiracy theorist then you know what I'm talking about. How about being saved from the elites and their lies?

I don't believe in Jesus either, its all fallacies in My opinion.

Yeah, where is God? I honestly don't know. I do know that I'm real and I care enough to talk about what I talk about. But where is God?

Wow, you're real nice!

When I die, I will die and stay dead. I do believe I have a chance of being reincarnated though, so I might have an afterlife.

But I don't believe in the fairy tale that Jesus rose from the dead either. Why would Jesus only rise from the dead for 40 days when he could have stuck around and taught more? Why would Jesus just "ascend" to the Father when there are so many problems on earth and we could really use Jesus?

I'm not the best thinker. It took Me about 5 years to come up with all of these prophecies. So in 2008, I started to believe I am Christ and then I started to think "What would I do if I were the King of the world?" And slowly but surely I came up with all of these prophecies. It didn't happen over night but most of the prophecies just hit Me like all of a sudden but they were spaced out in duration.

I don't think I'm the only one who is special but I do believe I am special. But we are all special because we all have a potential that no one knows. We all have potential for greatness and I believe we are all gods, in a very funny way.

I don't think I'm Jesus, I think I'm Christ. I am independent of Jesus. Jesus allegedly lived and died about 2,000 years ago. I'm alive and claiming to be Christ right now.

But I guess you're right. I did convince Myself that I'm Christ. But I see evidence. I believe that there is enough evidence for Me to believe that I'm Christ. And I do want to feel special, mainly because I'm not that special, I'm just a person with a Christ complex. I'm a cool enough guy though. I don't think I'm the best at anything so I want to be the best at something and that's being Christ. I'm just a regular guy but I believe I'm Christ too. My main goal is to rule the world and make it the best place possible so people wont have to struggle as much in life and also so people can enjoy their life to the fullest! A paradise for the masses.

So you're a christ that's never been crucified and isn't the son of god, and a savior that doesn't know how to save....

What the fuck are you any good for?

EDIT: And you want to be our Benevolent dictator? I wouldn't put you in charge of "Shining Time Station" much less the world. You have zero credentials, and an inability to grasp simple ideas. You aren't fit to lead anything.


Well-Known Member
So you're a christ that's never been crucified and isn't the son of god, and a savior that doesn't know how to save....

What the fuck are you any good for?
I've never been crucified.

If God exists then I'm the Son of God... but if God doesn't exist then I'm just the illest Prophet.

I'm the Savior that doesn't know how to save because I don't know what people need to be saved from. Do people need to be saved from hell? Easy, there is no hell, only reincarnation into various degrees of pleasure. What do people need to be saved from? I don't know.

I'm good for what I talk about. Candidly, I'm trying to be the King of the world so I can ultimately bless all of the people of the world. I would turn My prophecies into reality and do the things I talk about. I would create more farms to cheaply feed all the hungry people in the world. I would farm millions of square miles of hemp in order to harvest enough clear plastic from the hemp to turn into hemp plastic homes for the people that need shelters. I don't feel like typing it all out but I'm good for something. But you know Beef... you know.



Well-Known Member
I've never been crucified.

If God exists then I'm the Son of God... but if God doesn't exist then I'm just the illest Prophet.

I'm the Savior that doesn't know how to save because I don't know what people need to be saved from. Do people need to be saved from hell? Easy, there is no hell, only reincarnation into various degrees of pleasure. What do people need to be saved from? I don't know.

I'm good for what I talk about. Candidly, I'm trying to be the King of the world so I can ultimately bless all of the people of the world. I would turn My prophecies into reality and do the things I talk about. I would create more farms to cheaply feed all the hungry people in the world. I would farm millions of square miles of hemp in order to harvest enough clear plastic from the hemp to turn into hemp plastic homes for the people that need shelters. I don't feel like typing it all out but I'm good for something. But you know Beef... you know.

Even if somehow you were the leader of the world you can't make things happen just because you want them to, e.g. "giant space lasers".


Active Member
What are you trying to do to me Beef? Your making me think! Ahh, so we have a skeptic do we? :)

What I mean by 'gut feeling' is that 'sense' that feeling that can only be explained as a 'gut feeling' because there are no adequate words to explain it otherwise. Women often call it 'womens intuition'. I think everyone has at some point acted on an instinct, a knowing, an intuition that cannot be adequately explained & were proved to be right. Ask them how they knew & they usually say 'I don't know, I just had a feeling'. Ask a women if a gut feeling or her intuition has ever been wrong. Most will say 'no', the remainder 'rarely'.
I was your typical male thinker. If I couldn't see it, touch it, smell it, hear it or rationalise it, then 'it' was shit. Left brain dominant. Now I realise that I indeed have a 'sixth sense' & it has never let me down. Every now & again I just have a strong sense of knowing, even when logic, common-sense & available info. contradict. It has saved me more than once.
I was a street kid at 15, knocking around the back streets & surrounding suburbs of the red-light district, Kings Cross. We got by by being runners [usually packages containing????] scoring pot for the 'fossils' & straights, getting by best we could.
At 17, I was asked to set up a large 'arrangement'. It was a lucrative run, $200 profit for me was good money then. I was kicking on with mates at a tripping party after the drop-off so I had dropped a trip [don't know to this day what was in that blotter, it was a 24hour kick in the head that took up to 2-2 1/2hours to come on].
As I was walking through Hyde Park it was like I was walking into a wind of ill-intent. It felt like a physical force. I somehow 'knew' that I was heading into something nasty. I was debating the pros & cons when this 'internal dialogue' came to the conclusion that this could be done the next day, if nothing happens no harm done. This 'dialogue' happened in an instant. I remember smiling at the feeling of a weight being lifted as I returned the package as I had received them on tic & didn't want to be responsible for them over-night.
Went to the pub at the agreed time. Peter wasn't there but the feared 21 Division were with several under-cover defectives. 21 Division had such a reputation that so-called hard men would be heard spilling their guts crying like little girls as they were heading into the pig-sty. I had been set-up. If I was caught with the package I would have been up shit creek without the proverbial. None-the-less I was 'questioned' for two & a half hours, tripping of my face,sitting in a chair with one cop belting me from behind with a very large phone book [no separate A-K & L-Z back then. :( ] & another standing in front of me punching me in the head. And a very large one lurking in the shadows not saying much, just intimidating by sheer presence.
If I had ignored that feeling as I walked through Hyde Park, my life would've been very different.
I will never adequately explain my experience so that others can understand 100%. It is something that one needs to experience him/herself. I could share dozens of similar experiences yet it would not really change anothers perspective. Our sixth-sense is subtle by nature, I can't ,nor do I wish to, convince others to change their perspective. It's like trying to explain how good sex is to a virgin. Can you find adequate words so they understand sex as completely as Errol Flynn?
We have all experienced a sense of knowing, a gut-feeling. Not all of us recognise it as the same thing. Years ago when others would say "How the hell did you know THAT???", I would usually shrug my shoulders & say "It must've been obvious."& give it no further consideration. I now have a very different perspective. :)

I read your link & it was basically a 'what if' theory. With the berry bush analogy, it could be reasonably argued that one would very quickly learn to recognise the shape of it's leaves, it's basic structure knowing that plants that look the same will likely have fruit. Finding unripe fruit would reinforce this & also train the mind to remember. Apes have been observed remembering choice plants that are hidden from view from the rest of the troop & each time they pass that plant , the ape will pretend to pluck a thorn from it's foot as the rest pass by so they can access their stash. Apes. Pot is a good example, show me a stoner who can't spot a plant a mile away & I'll show you a smoker who's either ripped or just plain stupid. There's pleasure associated with the plant, an interest. It's not like we're consciously scanning for pot plants, it's a sub-conscious or instinctual thing, we just notice pot as if it's sticking out like dogs balls.

Ahh science. Science is a perspective. It shows us that an object can be many things depending on observation. The Sun can be viewed as light, as heat,as a frequency to name a few. A tribal Eskimo will view the sun differently than a Bedouin living in the Sahara. Based on their science, as they know it, the Sun is very different because they have different experience, yet they are both right according to their own experience.
I believe that science is another way of observing the Laws of Nature. Laws of Nature are also Spiritual Law. For e.g. Newtons 3rd law of motion states for every action there's an equal & opposite reaction. The Spiritual Law of Karma is the same thing.
To me, there is proof in science of immortal existence of the soul - An energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Our soul is an energy.

Sorry, off topic, dreams. Yes aren't dreams just fascinating. Dreams fall under 3 categories.
1; The nightmare. A reflection of our fears, tensions, negative emotions expressed, or worse, unexpressed.
2; The jigsaw type dream. Unconnected seemingly random ideas. I believe this is our sub-conscious trying to communicate with us.
3; [your going to love this one] The astral travel dream. We have all dreamt of flying. It's common for kids, usually being chased by unseen 'bad man' snatching at their ankles. [Dozens of others & myself share this one]. This is the type of dream where you swear you had visited someone or a place.
I have shared dreams with my twin brother when as kids we shared a room & later, with several girlfriends.
In one dream I was admiring a worked Holden panel van, that I'd seen before, as it drove past while I stood on the footpath across from the aquarium at Manly. Then I realised my girlfriend was there standing on the road when she said "Look, there's that car you like" I shook her awake to tell her to get off the road & when she annoyingly asked "What" I had awoken enough to feel stupid. As a young bloke I didn't believe in this "airy-fairy-girly" nonsense because it didn't fit with my reality & indoctrination. But it fit with hers & she recognised what had happened. She described that dream as I saw it exactly. As it didn't fit in with my restricted thinking at that time, I gave it no further thought.
I could give many many other examples but again, they're my experiences. No-one can take them away from me because it not only happened time & time again, but they were verified in detail by another person. But it's not that convincing to someone who cant relate.

What you say about some dreams coming true, others not, is interesting. I've experienced it many times when younger, not so much lately [usually sleep like a baby. Thank-you Bud God :)] When they did come true it was usually the next day never more than 2. Mystics talk about 'probabilities' & 'possibilities' when referring to the future. Timelines. [This is the type of stuff that starts to hurt my head] What we do today dictates what happens tomorrow. What would have happened if out of greed or obstinance I ignored that strong feeling the night the cops got me? The repercussions would affect me to this day. It was a large package. And of course this makes sense. How different would life be if you choose to get married or stay single? Marry Mary instead of Jill? Finish college or drop-out? Have children or not? There are countless possibilities, fewer probabilities. Will Billy die soon? If he stops drinking it's possible, if he doesn't it's probable. Different timelines. So when someone dreams & it doesn't come true, they were simply looking down a different timeline, a different possibility.

'Serious studies' I do not have Beef :) It is not my intent to change anyone elses point of view or perspective. If I can assist others to find their Truth then that's great if asked. If an individual chooses to seek Truth with an honest heart & an open mind, then he/she will find Truth according to their 'vibrational' level. There is Truth & there is higher Truth.

Bit off topic Beef but have you heard how scientists say the math proves that there has to be not only other Universe, but an almost infinitesimal amount of other Universe [bugger, someones going to make me google that aren't they? Ahh solly no speaky inglish]
Sorry just realised how long this is & I'm not sure if I answered your question Beef. I've been in quite a bit of nerve pain recently & have had to up my dose of White Shark . I'm so ripped hahaha :)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
what is a soul and how do you measure this so called energy ? surely to call something an energy you must of observed and measured it ? or otherwise i could make up my own , i could say its an energy that cant be destroyed or created .only certain people can feel its presence etc etc .


Active Member
As I've said before STH, I'm not here to convince anybody of anything, I'm just sharing my personal perspective. Take from it what you will or reject it as you see fit. :)


Well-Known Member
As I've said before STH, I'm not here to convince anybody of anything, I'm just sharing my personal perspective. Take from it what you will or reject it as you see fit. :)
That sort of attitude will prevent you from growing. If you never accept correction and avoid rudimentary scrutiny then you are really just rambling. You are being asked questions any candid mind should consider, don't avoid them with the "I don't expect to convince anyone" gambit. (especially when you wrap it in the guise of helping others find the truth)

Energy has a very precise definition in science. When we say energy can not be created or destroyed, we are talking about something very specific. If you can not detect or measure it, it is not energy. You are of course free to refer to your idea of the soul as "energy" so long as you understand that you are saying nothing scientifically meaningful, so it doesn't make sense to back it up with scientific laws.

Confirmation bias is a well established and documented cognitive mechanism. It is not a "what if" notion. Since it appears that you do not yet understand confirmation bias, you have no way of ruling it out. What you've described could be a text book example.

Science is not a perspective, it is a process of discovery. It is a systematic method of carefully and thoroughly observing nature while using consistent logic to evaluate the results. It is the most efficient process we have in developing accurate beliefs about the nature of things.

I have no problem with you wanting to express your ideas, but do not pretend they are backed up by science unless you are willing and able to back it up, with science. You are not helping others find truth, you are explaining the truth you have personally found through uncontrolled, sloppy and biased observation which you have not bothered to check for mistakes.


Active Member
That sort of attitude will prevent you from growing. If you never accept correction and avoid rudimentary scrutiny then you are really just rambling. You are being asked questions any candid mind should consider, don't avoid them with the "I don't expect to convince anyone" gambit. (especially when you wrap it in the guise of helping others find the truth)

Energy has a very precise definition in science. When we say energy can not be created or destroyed, we are talking about something very specific. If you can not detect or measure it, it is not energy. You are of course free to refer to your idea of the soul as "energy" so long as you understand that you are saying nothing scientifically meaningful, so it doesn't make sense to back it up with scientific laws.

Confirmation bias is a well established and documented cognitive mechanism. It is not a "what if" notion. Since it appears that you do not yet understand confirmation bias, you have no way of ruling it out. What you've described could be a text book example.

Science is not a perspective, it is a process of discovery. It is a systematic method of carefully and thoroughly observing nature while using consistent logic to evaluate the results. It is the most efficient process we have in developing accurate beliefs about the nature of things.

I have no problem with you wanting to express your ideas, but do not pretend they are backed up by science unless you are willing and able to back it up, with science. You are not helping others find truth, you are explaining the truth you have personally found through uncontrolled, sloppy and biased observation which you have not bothered to check for mistakes.
So who died & made you god? I don't have to justify myself to anyone, especially not someone as arrogant as yourself. I certainly don't need correcting by those who have little clue.
You have no idea.


Well-Known Member
What are you trying to do to me Beef? Your making me think! Ahh, so we have a skeptic do we? :)
I don't believe anything without good cause.

What I mean by 'gut feeling' is that 'sense' that feeling that can only be explained as a 'gut feeling' because there are no adequate words to explain it otherwise. Women often call it 'womens intuition'. I think everyone has at some point acted on an instinct, a knowing, an intuition that cannot be adequately explained & were proved to be right. Ask them how they knew & they usually say 'I don't know, I just had a feeling'. Ask a women if a gut feeling or her intuition has ever been wrong. Most will say 'no', the remainder 'rarely'.
Your 'most will say' statement, isn't really proving anything other than what you think they might say. If you really want to know if people have sixth senses, you need to test them under strict conditions. Not let people be their own tester and jury.

I was your typical male thinker. If I couldn't see it, touch it, smell it, hear it or rationalise it, then 'it' was shit. Left brain dominant. Now I realise that I indeed have a 'sixth sense' & it has never let me down. Every now & again I just have a strong sense of knowing, even when logic, common-sense & available info. contradict. It has saved me more than once.
I would love to see your sixth sense tested under strict conditions to check its validity.

I was a street kid at 15, knocking around the back streets & surrounding suburbs of the red-light district, Kings Cross. We got by by being runners [usually packages containing????] scoring pot for the 'fossils' & straights, getting by best we could.
At 17, I was asked to set up a large 'arrangement'. It was a lucrative run, $200 profit for me was good money then. I was kicking on with mates at a tripping party after the drop-off so I had dropped a trip [don't know to this day what was in that blotter, it was a 24hour kick in the head that took up to 2-2 1/2hours to come on].
As I was walking through Hyde Park it was like I was walking into a wind of ill-intent. It felt like a physical force. I somehow 'knew' that I was heading into something nasty. I was debating the pros & cons when this 'internal dialogue' came to the conclusion that this could be done the next day, if nothing happens no harm done. This 'dialogue' happened in an instant. I remember smiling at the feeling of a weight being lifted as I returned the package as I had received them on tic & didn't want to be responsible for them over-night.
Went to the pub at the agreed time. Peter wasn't there but the feared 21 Division were with several under-cover defectives. 21 Division had such a reputation that so-called hard men would be heard spilling their guts crying like little girls as they were heading into the pig-sty. I had been set-up. If I was caught with the package I would have been up shit creek without the proverbial. None-the-less I was 'questioned' for two & a half hours, tripping of my face,sitting in a chair with one cop belting me from behind with a very large phone book [no separate A-K & L-Z back then. :( ] & another standing in front of me punching me in the head. And a very large one lurking in the shadows not saying much, just intimidating by sheer presence.
If I had ignored that feeling as I walked through Hyde Park, my life would've been very different.
You noticed something was off, it doesn't mean you have precognition. You have a sub-conscious which does all kinds of information processing you're not aware of.

I will never adequately explain my experience so that others can understand 100%. It is something that one needs to experience him/herself.
Knowing what I know about how the brain works, and our evolutionary process I don't think you and I would share the same conclusions, even if we did share the same experience.

I could share dozens of similar experiences yet it would not really change anothers perspective. Our sixth-sense is subtle by nature, I can't ,nor do I wish to, convince others to change their perspective. It's like trying to explain how good sex is to a virgin. Can you find adequate words so they understand sex as completely as Errol Flynn?
We have all experienced a sense of knowing, a gut-feeling. Not all of us recognise it as the same thing. Years ago when others would say "How the hell did you know THAT???", I would usually shrug my shoulders & say "It must've been obvious."& give it no further consideration. I now have a very different perspective. :)

I read your link & it was basically a 'what if' theory. With the berry bush analogy, it could be reasonably argued that one would very quickly learn to recognise the shape of it's leaves, it's basic structure knowing that plants that look the same will likely have fruit. Finding unripe fruit would reinforce this & also train the mind to remember.
That's not the point. The point is that regardless of how many times there are no berries on any bushes, the brain will still think along the lines of bushes=berries. When in fact it could mean bushes=berries about 10% of the time. Your brain doesn't remember the 90% misses, it only remembers the times you did find berries. Likewise, I know there are numerous times when you've had a gut feeling, or made a selection and were wrong, your brain just forgot about it. That my friend, is conformation bias.

Apes have been observed remembering choice plants that are hidden from view from the rest of the troop & each time they pass that plant , the ape will pretend to pluck a thorn from it's foot as the rest pass by so they can access their stash. Apes. Pot is a good example, show me a stoner who can't spot a plant a mile away & I'll show you a smoker who's either ripped or just plain stupid. There's pleasure associated with the plant, an interest. It's not like we're consciously scanning for pot plants, it's a sub-conscious or instinctual thing, we just notice pot as if it's sticking out like dogs balls.
Sometimes a person might notice them, sometimes they don't. You would never know if you didn't notice them, right? The only way your explanation could describe a 'sixth sense' is if we knew where all the pot plants in a given area were, so we could verify if a persons 'intuition' was correct in locating them. Think of it this way, you're walking through the woods and find a pot plant, must be sixth sense right? But what if you only found one out of two-hundred plants? Without all of the information (how many total plants, how close to one another they are, etc. etc.) you can't accurately state that it would be a 'sixth' sense. To the person finding the plant it would seem remarkable, to an outside observer that knows where each of the two-hundred plants are located it looks like blind luck that you just happened to find one plant. Pretty unremarkable if you ask me!

There's a reasonable chance if you're in an area densely populated with pot plants that you will stumble upon one, but that says nothing about a sixth sense only that probability is pretty accurate most of the time.

Ahh science. Science is a perspective.
This is just completely wrong. Science is not a perspective. If science were a perspective, peer-review would be useless because everyone would get different findings (they don't, therefore it isn't).

It shows us that an object can be many things depending on observation.
I disagree. Science doesn't tell us anything that isn't demonstrable.

I believe that science is another way of observing the Laws of Nature.
I somewhat agree with this statement. Science observes, then makes a statement (hypothesis) about the observation they wish to test. After the testing they either confirm or deny their hypothesis and the processes starts all over again.

Laws of Nature are also Spiritual Law. For e.g. Newtons 3rd law of motion states for every action there's an equal & opposite reaction. The Spiritual Law of Karma is the same thing.
We can actually test newtons third law, that's why we call it a 'law'. I reject the idea of spiritual laws because they're not-demonstrable. For all I know, they're a complete load of bullshit made up by someone trying to extort money from spiritually-needy people. Until they can be tested, they're not laws.

To me, there is proof in science of immortal existence of the soul - An energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Our soul is an energy.
As Heis, already stated we know what energy is. It's demonstrable, the soul is not. Therefore, it's not energy. If the soul exists, it's particles are decidedly NOT energy.

Sorry, off topic, dreams. Yes aren't dreams just fascinating. Dreams fall under 3 categories.
1; The nightmare. A reflection of our fears, tensions, negative emotions expressed, or worse, unexpressed.
2; The jigsaw type dream. Unconnected seemingly random ideas. I believe this is our sub-conscious trying to communicate with us.
3; [your going to love this one] The astral travel dream. We have all dreamt of flying. It's common for kids, usually being chased by unseen 'bad man' snatching at their ankles. [Dozens of others & myself share this one]. This is the type of dream where you swear you had visited someone or a place.
I've shared those types of dreams with you, and others, but I don't attribute them to the same causes as you. For one, I don't see any evidence that the astral plane exists. I have several friends that swear they can 'spirit walk', but none of them can ever offer up any information that isn't easily accessible from the non-astral plane. I mean, come on; if the astral plane existed a person would be able to get new and exciting information, previously unavailable to those not on the astral plane. This has never happened. Ever.

I have shared dreams with my twin brother when as kids we shared a room & later, with several girlfriends.
In one dream I was admiring a worked Holden panel van, that I'd seen before, as it drove past while I stood on the footpath across from the aquarium at Manly. Then I realised my girlfriend was there standing on the road when she said "Look, there's that car you like" I shook her awake to tell her to get off the road & when she annoyingly asked "What" I had awoken enough to feel stupid. As a young bloke I didn't believe in this "airy-fairy-girly" nonsense because it didn't fit with my reality & indoctrination. But it fit with hers & she recognised what had happened. She described that dream as I saw it exactly. As it didn't fit in with my restricted thinking at that time, I gave it no further thought.
I could give many many other examples but again, they're my experiences. No-one can take them away from me because it not only happened time & time again, but they were verified in detail by another person. But it's not that convincing to someone who cant relate.
And that seems to be the problem with the supernatural. It seems real to the person experiencing it, but completely non-demonstrable to anyone else. That's not proof, that's a 'revelation', proof is something you can show people.

What you say about some dreams coming true, others not, is interesting. I've experienced it many times when younger, not so much lately [usually sleep like a baby. Thank-you Bud God :)] When they did come true it was usually the next day never more than 2. Mystics talk about 'probabilities' & 'possibilities' when referring to the future. Timelines. [This is the type of stuff that starts to hurt my head] What we do today dictates what happens tomorrow. What would have happened if out of greed or obstinance I ignored that strong feeling the night the cops got me? The repercussions would affect me to this day. It was a large package. And of course this makes sense. How different would life be if you choose to get married or stay single? Marry Mary instead of Jill? Finish college or drop-out? Have children or not? There are countless possibilities, fewer probabilities. Will Billy die soon? If he stops drinking it's possible, if he doesn't it's probable. Different timelines. So when someone dreams & it doesn't come true, they were simply looking down a different timeline, a different possibility.
That sounds elegant and beautiful. It also has no basis in reality. :D

'Serious studies' I do not have Beef :) It is not my intent to change anyone elses point of view or perspective. If I can assist others to find their Truth then that's great if asked. If an individual chooses to seek Truth with an honest heart & an open mind, then he/she will find Truth according to their 'vibrational' level. There is Truth & there is higher Truth.
Please don't get all "Chopra" on me now... lol

Bit off topic Beef but have you heard how scientists say the math proves that there has to be not only other Universe, but an almost infinitesimal amount of other Universe [bugger, someones going to make me google that aren't they? Ahh solly no speaky inglish]
Sorry just realised how long this is & I'm not sure if I answered your question Beef. I've been in quite a bit of nerve pain recently & have had to up my dose of White Shark . I'm so ripped hahaha :)
There are many theories, the multiverse theory is just one of them.


Well-Known Member
So who died & made you god? I don't have to justify myself to anyone, especially not someone as arrogant as yourself. I certainly don't need correcting by those who have little clue.
You have no idea.
At what point did I claim to be God? You seem to be using hyperbole and indignation to avoid the core of my message. I am sorry you find me arrogant, but you have misused numerous basic science terms while professing to know that science backs up your statements. You apparently feel entitled to speak with some authority on matters such as thermodynamics and openly dodge due diligence, some would say that is pretty arrogant. If you look you will see that none of us are asking you to justify yourself to us, we are pointing out that you have not justified what you say to yourself, not if you value genuine inquiry and intellectual honesty. You are using uncontrolled subjective experience to try and establish objective truths, and when contradictions are pointed out you push the information away. If these are the sort of values contained within your wisdom, I suppose it's a good thing you're not trying to convince anybody.


Active Member
you know who's to blame for this right? Mr. Michio Kaku and Mr. Brian Greene. Oh yeah, and that damned what the bleep movie and those other ones too! and just for the record: I was let down the first time i had sex...


Well-Known Member
Even if somehow you were the leader of the world you can't make things happen just because you want them to, e.g. "giant space lasers".
If I were the King of the world, hypothetically of course, I could make a lot of things happen but it would have to be a collaborate worldly effort. There would be no way I could implement anything grand that I want to construct by Myself. Its just a big pipe dream right now because I doubt I ever will become the King of the world but I would be a benevolent King with lots of good intentions.

I would try and provide enough incentive for the world to get onboard with My notions and concepts about the new world that I would like to build. It would be a process that would take at least many decades, if not centuries, to build. It would be so grand that it would be a never ending project that would employ the whole world for as long as we are stuck on this planet. So everyone able to work would have a job or two if they wanted.

Maybe My prophecies to build this new earth will be "uncovered" when I die and then the commencing of the projects will start. I don't have a pulpit besides here on the world wide web, i.e. rollitup. I don't have influence at all because the people that I talk to don't know any "big wigs" and I don't know any "big wigs" either. I'm just a guy with the master plan for the future but people don't really care what I have to say. Even if people cared what I have to say, they couldn't do anything about it either because...

But if I were the King of the world then it would be the best world ever. Here is the newest prophecy of Mine, aside from the solar lasers, Beef. Its bringing the ocean to the middle of the continents and towards the edges too. The land lock ocean or sea could be underground too and in more then one layer. On the top part of the ocean, above ground, there could be floating cities there too. And lets not forget about the underwater cites that could be in these land locked oceans too. It would be a type of water world. There would be plenty of seafood for people to eat there too, even harvest seafood from the underground oceans too.

I could make this planet dope! I just hope that one day someone very important will read what I have written on RIU and obey the instructions towards paradise.

EDIT- But you're right, I cant make anyone do anything because if I could make everyone do something then I would make everyone read what I have written and let them think for their selves.

and just for the record: I was let down the first time i had sex...



Well-Known Member
I would try and provide enough incentive for the world to get onboard with My notions and concepts about the new world that I would like to build.
Regardless of your intentions, even a bunch of stoners on a pot forum can clearly see that your ideas won't work. People you would consider 'able to fulfill your dreams', e.g. engineers, CEO's, scientists, etc. wouldn't give you the time of day past your opening line of "Hi, my name is Georgie and I think I'm Christ."

It would be a process that would take at least many decades, if not centuries, to build.
Or ever, because most of it's not fucking possible.

It would be so grand that it would be a never ending project that would employ the whole world for as long as we are stuck on this planet. So everyone able to work would have a job or two if they wanted.

Maybe My prophecies to build this new earth will be "uncovered" when I die and then the commencing of the projects will start. I don't have a pulpit besides here on the world wide web, i.e. rollitup. I don't have influence at all because the people that I talk to don't know any "big wigs" and I don't know any "big wigs" either. I'm just a guy with the master plan for the future but people don't really care what I have to say. Even if people cared what I have to say, they couldn't do anything about it either because...

But if I were the King of the world then it would be the best world ever. Here is the newest prophecy of Mine, aside from the solar lasers, Beef. Its bringing the ocean to the middle of the continents and towards the edges too. The land lock ocean or sea could be underground too and in more then one layer. On the top part of the ocean, above ground, there could be floating cities there too. And lets not forget about the underwater cites that could be in these land locked oceans too. It would be a type of water world. There would be plenty of seafood for people to eat there too, even harvest seafood from the underground oceans too.
Seriously, where the fuck do you get this shit from? Do you have any idea what type of impact bringing salt water that far inland would have on delicate ecosystems? Some trees and animals, now think about this, THEY DON'T LIKE SALT WATER.

I could make this planet dope! I just hope that one day someone very important will read what I have written on RIU and obey the instructions towards paradise.
You are on dope.

EDIT- But you're right, I cant make anyone do anything because if I could make everyone do something then I would make everyone read what I have written and let them think for their selves.


You can't convince a bunch of potheads let alone academics, or highly educated people.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of your intentions, even a bunch of stoners on a pot forum can clearly see that your ideas won't work. People you would consider 'able to fulfill your dreams', e.g. engineers, CEO's, scientists, etc. wouldn't give you the time of day past your opening line of "Hi, my name is Georgie and I think I'm Christ."

Or ever, because most of it's not fucking possible.

Seriously, where the fuck do you get this shit from? Do you have any idea what type of impact bringing salt water that far inland would have on delicate ecosystems? Some trees and animals, now think about this, THEY DON'T LIKE SALT WATER.

You are on dope.

You can't convince a bunch of potheads let alone academics, or highly educated people.
You might be right.

When I blog, I honestly don't have anything better to do with My time then talk about My grandiose dreams that are so (seemingly) unfathomably "impossible" that it would take a god to implement and fulfill My desires. But I have enough faith in Myself that I believe I'm doing good... good for the future, for a time when people are looking for ludicrous plans of a better world that may actually work with the proper technology and man power. My prophecies are predictions of what the future will be like. My prophecies are not blueprints on how to build all of these things today. I do believe all of these things could be built in the near future but it would take teams of scientists and engineers to figure out the implementation.

Have you ever head that "all things are possible"? I don't believe all things are possible but I believe the things I talk about are possible. If My prophecies are not possible now then they will be possible in the future.

You can think of Me as a sci-fi prophet. The things I say sound like science fiction but in the future they will be mundane. All of My prophecies will one day come to pass because they are able to be made.

But I agree, its hard for people to take Me seriously when I talk the way I talk, and you may never understand but the future will understand Me if they remember Me.

What I say is just the tip of the iceberg. Its going to get much more profound with many more details. I'm just the guy that made up the future for the future. And yes, most of it, I just made up.


Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Hey Nev did you even read what i wrote you, about playing some Four Swords or Mario Kart or some shit? Comon man, you need to get off this whole jesus kick and get a girlfriend.


Well-Known Member
i had very high expectations i guess. that and the insecurity. but mostly because i had become such a pro at whacking it; i knew what i liked and frankly, i did it better lol
You're funny!

The only reason why I ever masturbated is because I wasn't getting laid.

Man you gonna love dis shiznat!

"That's cause Jesus Christ is my nigga."

I like. Very funny!

Hey Nev did you even read what i wrote you, about playing some Four Swords or Mario Kart or some shit? Comon man, you need to get off this whole jesus kick and get a girlfriend.
Yeah, I read that post and I actually replied to it. The reply is on page 21 and its post # 203.

I don't play video games anymore... but I used to love playing Counter Strike. Counter Strike is a first person shooter, like Call of Duty, and its a PC game and its kind of an older game but I used to spent hours playing it in My house in Maine when I was like 21-23 years old. I used to play video games a lot when I was a kid and teenager though but Counter Strike is the best video game to play on the computer.

You're right, I need to find a girlfriend. I'm not really looking to get in a relationship right now. I do love girls but they can be headaches too if the girl is crazy or whatever.

I'm not really obsessing over My Messiah complex right now because I'm preoccupied with friends. I only talk about My Christ complex on the internet because I wonder if there is someone important on here that I'm talking to that might have some influence or power or both. Currently, I really would like to be the King of the world so I could turn this world into a paradise for all of us. But who wouldn't want to be the King of the world, right? I highly doubt I'll ever be the King of the world so I'm just trying to leave a legacy now.

I don't think I would talk on the internet much if it wasn't for My Messiah complex because I could just talk to other people. But I cant talk about My complex with people in person so I talk about My complex on the internet where I don't have to be stigmatized in person.

You seem like a cool dude Zaehet and I appreciate your concern but I just need to get rich quick some how and then I would be a lot happier. Maybe I should sell My house and that would give Me some quick cash but then I wouldn't be a home owner and I would just blow the money. It sucks to pay taxes on a house that I don't even live in though. I like you Zaehet Strife.


Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
You seem like a cool dude Zaehet and I appreciate your concern but I just need to get rich quick some how and then I would be a lot happier. Maybe I should sell My house and that would give Me some quick cash but then I wouldn't be a home owner and I would just blow the money. It sucks to pay taxes on a house that I don't even live in though. I like you Zaehet Strife.

Bro, you live in the united states, if you have a job, you are required to pay taxes. It's what all of us have to do here, it sucks, but it's what we gotta do. I think you should do whatever makes you happy. Sell you your house, live in it. Doesn't matter. Do what makes you happy. Just try to realize and appreciate the social concept of what this is. We are human animals, all of us, trying to cope with what is, with what we have, what we don't have... everything. The only thing i can do is try to help, and it doesn't matter most of the time. When it comes to you Nev, all you gotta do bro, is just remember one thing... "you cannot be certain of anything" and when you come to realize that, only then, can you really appreciate everything...

I believe in you, not only you. but many, many others. We have to give up our fantastical thinking, our beliefs, in order to really take action, to help the world. Whether or not you are jesus, it doesn't matter dude, what matters is what YOU DO. Whether or not you sit behind your PC and say shit, or whether or not you take part in helping a homeless person, or work at a food kitchen. Just as long as you are helping, and not just fuckin sitting around waiting, that's what count's man.

I don't believe in religion, but i worked at a christian food kitchen for 4 months just because i wanted to help. We can all do that, but it takes a certain type of person... to help someone without expecting anything in return.

You can be happy, you just gotta find it Nev. I'm no fucking priest, but maybe my advice can help. Let me know man.


Well-Known Member
Damn it, one of the mods merged My thread again. The beginning of this thread, before the merges, is an old thread and I thought it was dead and over with. Now I don't know what to do because this thread is like 3 threads merged into one.

For the record, I do appreciate all the mods here on RIU and I think they are wonderful guys. I appreciate the forums on rollitup and I guess forums need mods so its inevitable that mods are going to do what they do. I'm just a little disappointed because I wanted these to be separate threads but I think the mods want to keep all My Christ talk to just one thread. I understand.

EDIT- Now if someone comes across the thread, they will have to read until page 19 in order to get to the good stuff.
WHAT??? What good stuff? I've read every word and I still missed it, shit...