Well-Known Member
I hope you get busted by a cop while in possesion of this guys plants so that you can be on worlds dumbest criminals. would like to see you locked up all the while trying to claim they aren't yours
you know this fourm is bull you guys suck i am gonna take them home with me who cares fuck all yous everybody talks shit i am gonna be the man with the herb in two months or so i am gonna get truck now 4 hour drive to truck and then 4 hours back get some sleep and go get them right after dark tommarrow night so fuck yous and to all yous with grow watch your plot and get your buddies to help but this guy i am getting he fucked up code so its all mine fuckers
even better you get pulled over with the plants and go to prison and get butt raped from bubba over and over again..and they are in like black bucket tub things bigger then 5gal more like 8gal i need net dolly with air tires and a roll of fishing string i am gonna pull up an have buddy take off then i am gonna pull containers from ground wrap up with fishing line and roll them out all of them and grow them until they are finished
Jesus christ, can I buy a comma, a period -- anything??!Ok guys went to beach other day with lil lady and dog, well i must start by saying i am very into smoking lot of herb and been on this website for awhile ok back to what i found went to beach with dog at least a 2 hour drive from are hotel so on way home stop on side of road and seen old atv trail i grabbed joint and dog took a walk down trail came back to car and left but i noticed there were a lot of foot steps through trail so i kind of had some type feeling like is this place got a lake or good jumps has something so went home well next day back to beach on ride home it was almost dark seen this guy with these jugs and a book bag run when we pulled up so i just got back on road went home so next morning i went to beach we are on vacation and go like everyday had my wife drop me off and i followed this trail i hunted for over 5 years so i can make a trail out well after 7 mins i come across at least 15 over size beast plants at least 6 foot or more and bushed out like christmas tree so i ran out went to beach now i cant stop thinking of what to do take them or what what would u do i know this guy had to take care of them in home for 2 or more months before may because there just so big all soil was like his mix not dirt from ground so alot of work and time was davoted what should i do
Jesus christ, can I buy a comma, a period -- anything??!