What would you do? this is fucked up....


Active Member
(hypothetically) 3 people have an operation, semi small scale. Lets say they harvest about 2 lbs a month on a continuous cycle. Lets say this is rare, top dollar, high quality, sour d. Now a few weeks ago as this batch reaches maturity, one of the growers notices plants missing. They put together that it could only be 2 people. It's either the third partner, or maybe a neigbor who supossedly has no idea whats up. They set up cameras, and don't say anything to the suspects, thinking they will again become greedy and comeback for more free weed. Turns out it is the neighbor, and you finally have him on tape. Now what the fuck do you do/say? He will always have the upper hand right? One phonecall on his end right? Keep in mind that this is true sour, and 1 plant is worth about 800$! over 10 plants have gone missing. Now these guys definately are not rich and use the $ to pay rent, bills, and cant afford to have a small batch this month. I need some help.


Active Member
if its out door your screwed, if its indoor find out how he gets in and lock it up good, if i were you (or whoever) id keep the tape and use it against him to prove hes a user hell panic


Well-Known Member
damn either you can start growin indoors or just leave it be.
you dont want my real answer so go wit those 2^^


Well-Known Member
Change the locks & buy a big ass dog. You could always confront him & let the chips fall where they may. I'd move my grow & call the cops on him for growing. He's probably got your plants at his place right now.


Well-Known Member
Its inside, he has to have a key, came in through the front door, and out the bulkhead

Dude defenitely change the locks..or make him disappear ......

i would probably move ..... and kick his ass pretty bad.... 10 plants..grrrr..

I think even if you change the locks its still risky cause he knows.... someone told him.....:blsmoke:


Active Member
no one told him shit, he put 2 and 2 together. He's and older guy, "works from home" mid 40s and has gotten headies from us, and comes over to puff all the time. He's admited to his past OD grows in a pathetic attempt to get us to tell him whats up probably.


Well-Known Member
dude seriously go over there and be man to man with him. be respectful and say that you have him on tape and you need it back... no problems.. no anger. just straight up


Well-Known Member
I'm telling you dude you've got to set this dude up. He is a thief & the only thing a thief deserves is a trip to the county lock up. Move your grow today and call the cops on his sorry ass, from a pay phone on the other side of town.


Active Member
I think I'll have to clear everything out first. Like I said. Theres really nothing I can say to gain the upper hand, and to him, maybe were a bunch of stoner punk kids, even though were all almost 30. That must be his reasoning. It sucks. Been renting houses for almost 10 years, and never have had something like this happen.


Active Member
Cunts cant just steel your shit though, go see him and ask what the fuck his problem is. you will prob end up giving him a bit of herb regularly, if hes a bitch about it. move and then fuck him up on a medium to large scale!!!!! its about principle.


stays relevant.
that's why I dont talk to my neighbors...

oh yeah, what makes your sour d worth $800 a plant? lol. sour d clones are 12-16 bucks out here LOL.


Well-Known Member
well to be honest i would show the neighbor the video,let him know you know what he is doing.
but remember he will probably call the fuzz,so clean up get everything out first.you are never going to get any remuneration back from them,
so be polite be forceful and let them know they will be drinking there food through straws if they don't take the hint ....:-)


Active Member
dude seriously go over there and be man to man with him. be respectful and say that you have him on tape and you need it back... no problems.. no anger. just straight up

This is exactly what I would do..................

Anything I did to him, or had someone else do after that would never be talked about to anyone. Ever!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
that's why I dont talk to my neighbors...

oh yeah, what makes your sour d worth $800 a plant? lol. sour d clones are 12-16 bucks out here LOL.
2onions of sour d is 800+.
neway yep dont fuck with neighbors on that level just a hello now n then.


Well-Known Member
i had a guy do it to me one time i knew him he knew what i would do if he got greedy guess what he got greedy i broke his jaw and knocked his front teeth out but e didn't rat because he was my partener and i would expect him to do the same to me if i did it so my answer too you is beat the fucking theiving cocksuckers face in