what would you do??


Active Member
hi guys im new here and lookin to start up a nice system in my house and ive got a couple questions about how you think i should/ you would use the avail room i have, so here goes...

i have two closets dims. 2ft.6in.X6ft.X8ft.4in.tall, what would be the best way to grow with highest yield in mind.

my next other possible area is an open bedroom that is 9ft.10in.X4ft.11in.X8ft.4in. tall. how much could i put in this space if there was adequate funding to fill it up an use for, once again high yield.

I intend on growing organically in buckets, if you need to have anymore info please im all ears on this topic.


Well-Known Member
well since the cab is the same height as ur room then u could have a hps light in there.

if this is ur 1st grow and u really dont care about stealth or trying to hide a whole room then i would start up in the room 1st. 1 main reason is u can be as small or as big as u want. start off small, u wont need alot of ventilation and ductwork. it will probably be a case of, put seeds in pot/pod and turn light on with a fan near them.


Active Member
i forgot to mention that, stealth is not an issue im the only one in the house and my mom never comes here so the big room it is. now the second part of my ? is that since im gonna go for the gold with this grow how many watts of hps can i put in this room so that i get max grow capacity but dont waste any light? or since this is my first grow would i be better off doin it in a small section of the room so i can get the feel for it? all the help here is greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
ur gonna fill the whole room??

u would need probably 2x 1000w on light movers.

id stick to just a few plants. id say go with a 400w. its average in terms of effectiveness and also doesnt use up any more KW/ph on the elec bill :p

if i was u, being a 1st timer, id get a 400w, read up on it then plant ur seeds and get growing. once uve got the experience u will probably find urself thinking how big u can go with ur new confidence. i went from CFLs to a 600w,lol


Well-Known Member
i forgot to mention that, stealth is not an issue im the only one in the house and my mom never comes here so the big room it is. now the second part of my ? is that since im gonna go for the gold with this grow how many watts of hps can i put in this room so that i get max grow capacity but dont waste any light? or since this is my first grow would i be better off doin it in a small section of the room so i can get the feel for it? all the help here is greatly appreciated
definitely start small, 4 or so plants and make your mistakes small. you;ll learn alot with one grow and know if this is really something you want to continue with.

for your space you can use one 1000 watt hps or two 600 watt might be better given your room dimensions. when you get up and running with some experience you should be able to produce a couple of pounds a harvest.

your space is large enuf to consider dividing it into a flowering room and a veg room. this lets you have more than one crop going at a time, boosting your yield/year a lot.

edit - misread your room dimensions - go with regrets two 1000's. but this is a good sized op you're planning here so personally i would not go to two rooms or even two spaces until you;ve grown once. it only takes a few months and you will make your first real grow go much easier and less stressful


Well-Known Member
use the closet for your veg room put either a 400w or 600w mh in there, along with some flourescent tubes for clones. Then use the other room for flowering with 2 1000w hps lamps in there, you will need ventilation and plenty of it. I would also recommend a co2 system for your flowering area; in a space that big you can really have some fun. I would do 2 banks of 9 plants each (with ceilings that tall you can grow some pretty big plants) in the flowering room and try to stagger them 4 weeks so that you can have a harvest every 4 weeks instead of every 8 weeks. BUY SEEDS genetics are very important, and when purchasing seeds you can get exatly what you are looking for. I suggest if you are going this big and going organic that you read as much as you can in the subcool subsection of organics, that guy really knows what he is doing, as well as reading up and asking a lot of questions in the organics section. If you do this right the first time you will save tons of time and money, just plan, plan, plan and get everything you need up front.

good luck,



Well-Known Member
i forgot to mention that, stealth is not an issue im the only one in the house and my mom never comes here so the big room it is.
Danger Will Robinson, danger!

Is this your mother's house or your house? If it is your mother's please do not grow in her house without her permission. I know that's pretty silly to ask but growing in someone else's house without their permission is just wrong man.

At the best she WILL catch you and at the worst she'll call the cops on her own son to teach him a lesson. Or even worse you get her house confiscated by the feds in that illegal property scam they use to steal honest people's money and possessions.


Active Member
Danger Will Robinson, danger!

Is this your mother's house or your house? If it is your mother's please do not grow in her house without her permission. I know that's pretty silly to ask but growing in someone else's house without their permission is just wrong man."

yeah its her house, she smokes herself and her and her bf had a couple growing outdoor last season, also i supply them their smoke, granted she will be pissed when she finds out but she wont call the cops on me.

however now you've got me thinkin about the legal aspect of it, i thought that legally if there is a grow op goin on that the responsible party is the one who grew it/tenant. what kind of troubles could she get in bein i rent the house from her and she has no idea of the op? she is just the landlord here.

as far as ventilation ive got that covered my best friend is in HVAC so he is helpin with the setup, however i havent found any info on size of room compared to size of the carbon filter/ozone generator needed, so if someone could point me in that direction where i can find that info it would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Dude you are setting up all wrong. It's your mothers house and she didn't give permision. You already have a buddy that knows what you are up to. I'd rethink this bud.


Well-Known Member
Well since your mom smokes just be honest with her and tell her you'll give her 10% of the crop.


Active Member
Dude you are setting up all wrong. It's your mothers house and she didn't give permision. You already have a buddy that knows what you are up to. I'd rethink this bud.
well he isnt some "buddy", he is roommate/grow partner we will both have shit goin in here so his knowing is necessary. and what the hell is up with everybody telling me to get permission from my mom?? when you start up a new setup in an apartment do you tell the landlord that yoor gonna be putting a semi large setup in his property? im not tryin to sound like a dick but in this situation i feel im better off starting this up and WHEN she catches me talk her down and worst case scenario ill get her to let me finish my current cycle before making me take it all down.


Active Member
well he isnt some "buddy", he is roommate/grow partner we will both have shit goin in here so his knowing is necessary. and what the hell is up with everybody telling me to get permission from my mom?? when you start up a new setup in an apartment do you tell the landlord that yoor gonna be putting a semi large setup in his property? im not tryin to sound like a dick but in this situation i feel im better off starting this up and WHEN she catches me talk her down and worst case scenario ill get her to let me finish my current cycle before making me take it all down.
well said! :weed:


Well-Known Member
and what the hell is up with everybody telling me to get permission from my mom?? when you start up a new setup in an apartment do you tell the landlord that yoor gonna be putting a semi large setup in his property?
Yes, I said, "Hey Kludge can I build a grow room in the house you own out right?" To which I replied, "Sure Kludge, go right ahead. But I get half." ;)

I think this is the point we are trying to make. If you owned a home and rented it out to your son; would you want him running a grow there without asking you first? You have to be able to answer that question honestly.


Well-Known Member
I would be pissed if my kids were growing in my house. I have a few years before I need to worry about that though.


Active Member
I think this is the point we are trying to make. If you owned a home and rented it out to your son; would you want him running a grow there without asking you first? You have to be able to answer that question honestly.
well right now yes, but to say that will be the answer in fifteen years when i have a kid..... lol thanx for all the inpu guys im just gonna start a small garden in my closet for now to get the hang of it all, then 3-6 months down the road when im ready to do an entire room ill ask for her permission then. kiss-ass