What would you do??


Active Member

I am swaying between putting all 3 of my tents into flower stage??

It has been 4 weeks tomora, since I got them.. They came to me bout 2 inch tall, with all the little white roots popin out of a little sack they where in, looked kool..

Anyway, what would you do??

After last post, have heard 4 plants in each tent is wasting alot of space, so I am spliting them into 2 tents..

Giving me 6 plants in each, with a spare tent to start some more ladies..

Would you flower both tents??

One Tent??

Or None, an wait a bit longer??

Any help is very much appreciated, thanks

I no its like asking how long is a peice of string, but gotta ask..

By the look of the size of them now, ready to go into flower, I have used coco soil, under 600 watt lights for 4 weeks, using ionic grow, 5 litre mix into big tray there sitin in.. every 2-3 days depending on how dry stickin me finger in..

Any guesses what I will get people??


My other questions are more important though, ha..


Well-Known Member
Lookin good so far. Just remember the earlier you flower generally the smaller the yield. If it were me ild start one set, then in 3-4 weeks start another, i like my harvests stagard to about once a month that way i never run out for long lol. good luck


Active Member
Thanks DR good help..

So you can leave it to veg for 8 weeks?? didnt no that..

Is ionic bloom going to do the trick, been told to get on canna??
