What would you like to see from a seedbank?

Thanks, dude. Here's a dick pic for ya.

I’d like to see more reputable breeders.
Like real breeders. Guys (gals) who put the time in.
Anybody can chuck pollen.
Hell I do.
But if I’m paying $100 for ten beans I want consistency. Not luck.
It’s 2022. Anybody can navigate a site, Google a strain.
Seeds cost a premium.
Product is what counts.
It’s 49/51 out there IME.
I just checked out your site. I like it overall, but maybe parsing some of the verbiage in the drop downs and lists might be of value. I like the sentiment though. Good to see you're just West of me. Will bookmark.
Was joking around with the pics. Not really something we want to do. Bit tacky in this day and age as well.

Photos, we're working on. You hit the nail on the head with the pics. Don't like using our own as those are under ideal conditions etc. Almost cheating.
Give aways = Testers and show confidence in your products. Those are in-between the lines things I look for. If a company is not scared to test its a big plus imo.
Anyone notice the most expensive seeds are the ones with hermie problems constantly in the forums and are never given away with promotions. It's like the breeders just want your 1 time $140 x2 or 3 purchase and don't care if you ever buy from them again.

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woah thread moved to the proper area,

Please dont advise advertisers on contests etc, it has to formally be done via me prior with authorization
it doesnt it was an accident they didnt intend to push boundries, they are human they make mistakes.

As a new advertiser it can happen where they make an oopsie we dont need to drill it into them
Negative of The Walking Dead "I will shut this shit down. Lol
True expected yields, not what it’s capable of from the perfect conditions with the perfect pheno. Plant 10, grow 10, harvest 10, report the average, same goes for thc and cbd content. We all know you guys post your top top result as a lure but break down everything to statistical average and include what nute lines you used so us growers can know what to truly expect if we follow the same guidelines. If we break free and do our own thing than results are expected to vary. Too many claims of “up to 3000g per plant” when reality is 600-750 on a 2m bush. If we have real world data we can grow more efficiently and stage our operations with maximum proficiency.
It always helps to put your link somewhere on your messages so people like me will click it to check out the site we're trying to critique...

nice job on the site.
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True expected yields, not what it’s capable of from the perfect conditions with the perfect pheno. Plant 10, grow 10, harvest 10, report the average, same goes for thc and cbd content. We all know you guys post your top top result as a lure but break down everything to statistical average and include what nute lines you used so us growers can know what to truly expect if we follow the same guidelines. If we break free and do our own thing than results are expected to vary. Too many claims of “up to 3000g per plant” when reality is 600-750 on a 2m bush. If we have real world data we can grow more efficiently and stage our operations with maximum proficiency.
Good calls. We try to do an average of yields and even on THC/CBD levels.
Once we get our grower pics sorted we'll be asking for those details as well
Agreed, I got mine in two days as well. Excited to grow some lsd

My daughter wanted to try out the GSC for a couple of years so that'll be my first go. I have to temper my grows because I still have 22 Mason jars full from last time. First world issues.