Let's hear some feedback......I would like to know what the rest of the Oregon section thinks about respecting the other members' started threads?
Should we allow folks to hijack threads, taking them totally off subject for seemingly no reason? Or do we, as a forum, believe that threads are started to talk about the subject matter of the thread, not to start side conversations that could be held in a private message and have no pertinence to the subject matter at hand.
If I start a thread, I should be able to ask people to post opinions on that subject that I started. I should be able to rest easy that a majority of RIU understands that if we all just wanted to chat, this would be one big chat room without any subject lines, or different threads.
I already know how one member feels (one that keeps hijacking threads that are not his), so I would like to hear the thoughts of the other Oregon RIU members. Instead of making this a fight about this....let's have a discussion as to what we, as a group, expect of one another.
I expect that people will be respectful of other people's threads, and try to stay on point.....like I have said from the very beginning. I think that if I start a thread, I can ask someone to stay on point, because it is my thread.
Now if someone else started a thread about circus freaks, I may want say hi to my friend in that thread, but I realize that it really has no place in the thread, it is really a situation that I should send a PM to my friend. But this is just the way I think.
I think that if everyone showed mutual respect, trying to not step on each others toes, we would do pretty well here.
Overall, make your opinion on this subject known......please do not hijack this conversation just to tell your friend that you want to taste their medicine.....