What would you pick???


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm..12 hrs???? Grabbed the biggest douche and borrow his ride where I would then drive to the local banks. After wishing them all a merry Christmas and handing out gifts, I'd go straight and wash that douches vehicle, apologize and send him on his way. Then after that hour or so of good deeds.... I would then return to the local banks and rob them, find the douche and lead him to the closest garden hose and shove it up his ass. Turn the water on full blast and walk away. Probably hit up the stash at the local PD. Then the hospital. 5th floor. Best floor there. If I'm still conscious, then off to fly the hospital transport helicopter!! That should end it well!!


Well-Known Member
I'd rob the Walgreens next to me, or a bank. Then I would proceed to buy a lot of bud which I will just throw all over the place for all to enjoy but I will keep some for myself, I'd rob the nearest liquor store blind, I will have an awesome time.
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Well-Known Member
I had a teacher in the 6th grade that accused me of stealing another students wallet and I got into serious trouble because of the accusations at school and at home....what no one knew at the time was that the accuser was our class bully who's ass I whipped a day earlier and this was his way to get me back and my teacher and principal believed the student and the principal called my parents and mom and dad believed the principal so I got my ass tore up by my dad. That happened 47 years ago and I haven't forgotten that episode .
The principal and teacher have both died but the little mofo that caused this situation is still alive.
So I would like to spend 12 hours fucking him up and just as the 12 hours ends shoot him in his left ear
Merry Christmas y'all !

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I had a teacher in the 6th grade that accused me of stealing another students wallet and I got into serious trouble because of the accusations at school and at home....what no one knew at the time was that the accuser was our class bully who's ass I whipped a day earlier and this was his way to get me back and my teacher and principal believed the student and the principal called my parents and mom and dad believed the principal so I got my ass tore up by my dad. That happened 47 years ago and I haven't forgotten that episode .
The principal and teacher have both died but the little mofo that caused this situation is still alive.
So I would like to spend 12 hours fucking him up and just as the 12 hours ends shoot him in his left ear
Merry Christmas y'all !

Remind me never to get on your bad side!


Ursus marijanus
I'd get like 10 of my friends together, steal a truck trailer and break into the El Paso DEA Drug Warehouse. Storm in through the back, beat the living shit out of the guards, and fill the trailer with as much blow, ecstasy, ketamine, and bath salts as we could carry. Then after a clean getaway, I would dedicate the rest of my life to getting those drugs back on the street where they belong.
Ah, a philanthropist among us!