Light is when photons of electromagnetic energy are released from electrons dropping from excited states into lower levels.
to 2:18...
The amount of thermal radiation produced by visible light is variable mainly depending on what the light is shining on.
If the visible light is absorbed, in the case of something painted black (does not reflect light back) then much of the visible light is transformed into thermal radiation. We observe this as the surface of the black object increases in temperature relative to its surroundings.
If the visible light is reflected then there is no electron interaction and so the body that's reflected stays the same temp and is also easy to see from the fact the light is reflecting off the object.
Watts of an LED are the unit of power used to produce photons. If more watts are used to make photons than emit thermal radiation then you will have less "heat"/thermal radiation/IR per watt used. This is described as efficiency.
Because LEDs are more effecient than HPS, more power of LEDs go into producing photons/watt than that of HPS. Vice versa, less power or watts of LEDs go into producing IR than HPS, respectively.
Because the tents are reflective the majority of absorption is in the plants, and everyone here seems to say that's only at 1-3%. So when you open your tent and its blinding, that's because the majority of your visible light wasn't converted into IR or "heat" but reflected... Lol
Your heat issues in your tent are from your EM spect, and the operating temp of any tech inside. LED is way cooler operating on a heat sink then HPS of same wattage. The tent is not an absolute barrier so the small thermal disipations from a passively cooled LED are easily absorbed by the tent into the surrounding room and house at a rate that doesn't effect much of the internal temp.
Visible light is NOT heat.