Right now I only have a Ghost Corn Snake, small Painter Turtle, a Ring Neck Snake, and a cat. At one time I had eleven aquariums. A two foot Snakehead, two Snapping turtles, a Horned Frog that ate full grown mice, several large Black Rat Snakes, two exotic rabbits, a very large Oscar, a Cayman Crocc, a three foot Green Iguana, and a few tanks with lots of mixed aquatic life. I trained the snails to eat small blood worms from off of my finger. I loved it! Strangers would often knock on my door and ask if they could see "the animals." People used to bring me all kinds of animals. Reminds me of somethin funny..One night I heard a cricket in my house. I got a tape recorder and recorded it. I placed the recorder in the middle of the floor and played it. After a few seconds, this cricket comes out from behind the wall trim and hops right onto the recorder. It just sat there on top of the speaker. Funny thing was that I was lying on the floor with my hands directly on the recorder, but the cricket didn't mind a bit. Freaked me out!