What you guys think?(pics)


Active Member
i got a small grow closet.(2 1/2' * 2 1/2') i have 4 2' T5, 80watt cfl and a 250watt M/H, HPS light. ihave been growing 9 plants(citral/skunk, g-13,grapefruit) for 23 days almost ready 2 put them into flower on the 28th dday. I have topped them twice. Iam giving them Fox Farm(GB,TB,BB). First off i do have a Hps bulb that im going to use 4 flower, i also have the bloom bulbs for the T5. First, would it be better to keep using the veg T5 bulbs with the Hps bulb to broaden the spectrum or should i switch the T5 to the bloom bulbs. Second, i have a outside climate of 60-72 degrees still having short days, would it be better to jus put them outside an let them flower or keep them under the lights? i have about 45,000 lumens in there. What u guys think?


Well-Known Member
i think the bloom bulbs would be a good idea... since you are trying to bloom the plant.


Active Member
well here is a little update of 4 plants i got. i cranked up the light to 600 hps with hydrofarm radient vented hood along with a 8'' inline can fan.they look good.im 5 weeks into flowering. im hopping i can get 4ozs. wha u guys think?

