What you guys think???

How much of a difference does an oscillating fan help to lower the temp in a grow cupboard or tent... I'm waiting for mine to arrive... The exhaust fan is hooked up and I'm 6 degree higher than ambient temp of 84..
28-29 degree Celsius ambient here in Aus - 31 in the cupboard....
I'd be quite happy with ambient temp if I can get it.
The exhaust fan is 2.5metres outside the cupboard and not very efficient at all working at 50% capacity at best..
Will put fan inside the cupboard tommorow and hopefully pushing air out instead of sucking the hot air out will work better...
Then my silencer wont fit inside and the fan will hummmmm to loud ?
I'm grasping at straws :(
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Any movement of air should help you cool it down some what, try and draw air in from as lo as you can, is there anyway you can move that exhaust fan closer ? or even put it in or next to ? The Fan should be pretty quiet they don't make much noise at all, If you can find a way to get cooler air into your box like run a inlet pipe from a nearby source of cooler air flow. good luck hope all works out for you....