what you guys using for data logging

I use SensorPush for detailed temp / humidity / VPD + notifications, AC Infinity for fan control, and YoLink for power automation. I plan on getting into Home Assistant soon but I'm not sure if any of these are supported.
Govee. it's ok. more or less real time and you can output the data into a spreadsheet.
I also run a spreadsheet for cost, performance and operational notes. it's fairly complicated.
what are you guys using for data logging whos using the pulse pro? home assistant with custom censors? for people using the pulse pro does the webpage logging stay in real-time or after a certain amount of time it pauses and it requires user input like clicking to refresh the page with the mouse. i really like the look of the grafana dashboard with home assistant but no idea where to even begin with home assistant
I highly recommend Home Assistant, it's open-source, cloud-free, and can run as a native app, VM, or a docker container.
I've been running HA on a low-end NAS for a few years without incident. I currently use a microcontroller (esp32 or rp2040) to send data to Home Assistant. Simply send HA an MQTT message and it takes care of generating the pretty graphs, which is otherwise a laborious task.
i think home assistant is more within reach for me now that the pulse pros api is available you can get a pulse pro and use all its sensors in home assistant then i dont hafta buy a bunch of separate sensors and coble something together on a bread board then put it inside some sort of housing this seems so much easier than before it might be even more cost effective using the pulse pros sensors. you can then use the data from the pulse pros sensors to control various things like smart plugs. like say your humidity target is 55% with your 75 pint dehu running on a smart plug, but if for some reason say during lights off when plants perspire more if the humidity exceeds your 55% target have another smart plug turn on your other 25 pint dehu to get things back in range.
I just got 2 x Govee monitors today. They're pretty damn good for the money...cheap enough that you can buy a bunch of them and log data from all around the grow room, drying room, outside, lung room...your car. They track temperature, humidity, dew point, and vpd.
okay im convinced. i picked up a pulse pro, i see they also have a new gadget on there website looks like moisture meters of some sort anybody else have that as well it looks sold out
okay im convinced. i picked up a pulse pro, i see they also have a new gadget on there website looks like moisture meters of some sort anybody else have that as well it looks sold out

I just got a Pulse Pro a few days ago. I'm now chasing my VPD . . . this thing is going to make me crazy! I'm still getting used to it. It logs a LOT of data and is in real-time. I've just got to figure out my environment. I'm constantly adjusting my room temps and RH to get my VPD to remain static. Chasing my VPD has turned into chasing my tail!!!
I just got a Pulse Pro a few days ago. I'm now chasing my VPD . . . this thing is going to make me crazy! I'm still getting used to it. It logs a LOT of data and is in real-time. I've just got to figure out my environment. I'm constantly adjusting my room temps and RH to get my VPD to remain static. Chasing my VPD has turned into chasing my tail!!!

lmao im moving a bit slower but the device has made me realize that the dehumidifier where there located next to the minisplit i suspect the air coming out of the minisplit is a lower rh% due to the temp so its causing the dehus to read at least 10-12% difference compared to across the room where the plants are located so now im trying to find a controller for the dehus that has a long enough remote sensor to hang near the plants that will control my dehumidifier what a pain in the ass this thing is but for sure itll dial things in and be an improvement over all in the long run i think
I use something as simple of a sensibo wireless ac controller for my 2 ton minisplit a/c which has an app on my phone I can check out temps, rh% make sure my a/c has turned off and on. Pretty simple and efficient. All I need.

Home assistant and custom sensors here, including VWC/pwEC
Been logging for like 2 years, automating a year, and steering about 8 months.
ph dosing, EC dosing, auto res filling are next on project list and largely done, just need hardware.


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Home assistant and custom sensors here, including VWC/pwEC
Been logging for like 2 years, automating a year, and steering about 8 months.
ph dosing, EC dosing, auto res filling are next on project list and largely done, just need hardware.

that dope you should do a step by step tutorial in the advanced section also what are your thoughts on using pulse grows api in home assistant?
that dope you should do a step by step tutorial in the advanced section also what are your thoughts on using pulse grows api in home assistant?
Home assistant and custom sensors here, including VWC/pwEC
Been logging for like 2 years, automating a year, and steering about 8 months.
ph dosing, EC dosing, auto res filling are next on project list and largely done, just need hardware.
Do I hear a community Home Assistant Journal? That would be cool. I'd enjoy seeing that.
that dope you should do a step by step tutorial in the advanced section also what are your thoughts on using pulse grows api in home assistant?
thank you, its been a work in progress, but data and automation rules.
Pulse stuff seem like decent kit but out of my price range still.
we are working on some tutorials for spinning up a HA stack with influx, grafana, various sensors, and crop steering automations.

This is mostly DIY sensors with some smart plugs /switches to control various things.
i have a site about stuff at https://cropsteering.xyz with more links, including some more home assistant stuff for automation, and am getting some examples on github here https://github.com/jeemers/Homegrown-Assistant/