what you on right now :)


Well-Known Member
not for me, lol i can go through a bottle everyday or 2 they are the only thing that help relieve the excruciating pain of my teeth and jaw when it acts up and over the last 7 years i built up an immunity..... i barely feel em right now.


Well-Known Member
ive often wondered the same thing.....i think its cuz of the infection in my gums getting pressure relieved cuz my gums are really swollen w/o benadryl which somehow makes em drain the shit in my gums and they go back to normal till the next day once the infection has time to rebuild itself so i gotta take benadryl to drain em again


Well-Known Member
cant afford it and im allergic to penicillan and shit like that they say is all they could do and to go to a dentist....it cost 350 a tooth to have em removed and i have 12 teeth that NEED to get pulled.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha.....adderall is an amphetamine.....people love meth right? why wouldnt they like a safer cheaper more readily available speed like buzz? addreall is the shit i used to be prescribed 150 mg a day. thats y my teeth are so rotted. its gotten so popular here it has tripled in price in the last year cuz EVERYONE wants them. scripts are usually already sold by the time they are filled(ie someone is lined up to buy all of em as soon as the other people get em from the pharm.


Well-Known Member
oh well, doesnt matter. some people get different buzzes than others. it makes me and everyone i know alot more social and we can think deeper than normal and produce some incredibley smart ideas and/or thoughts that are complex as hell.


Well-Known Member
i like the focus buzz part but yeah i gotta admit.....that shit can make you real emotional at times and its not always a good thing. but it also made the love for my g/f much stronger.....which in the end was a bad thing too i guess.


Well-Known Member
I think maybe you have ADD indianaman...? If it makes you want to read than maybe you have trouble paying attention when you don't take it. Think about it man....


New Member
as for the drug update, reggy weggs and a spicy italian footlong from subway.

Do you guys want to go ride bikes?


New Member
i had to walk across a mile long bridge in this shit...

not 103 i don't think, but the balls stick to the thigh after 5-10 minutes.