What Your Facial Hair Says About You


Active Member
So ur either super sexy or a dirty hippie ;) lmfao

Question do men comb or brush their facial hair, omg hair, man hair not on balls gets me excited !!!!
well im deff super sexy, and a hippie at heart.. i do comb my beard once in a while, it gets tangled up alot with hairs, and plus i go thru the woods alot so i try and comb out any bugs that might be chillin in there lol


Ursus marijanus
Wow ... has it become that uncool to be clean-shaven? I'm am anachronism ... no beard, ink or bodymetal. And by Dad gum I'm a'keepin ' it in that wise. cn


Well-Known Member
I can't grow a beard to save my life. Seriously, if someone said grow a beard or I'll shoot you, I'd end up getting shot.


Well-Known Member
HAha, The Hetfield chin beard patened for metal heads! I am a proud wearer of the chinbeard!Chicks find it loveable especially if u have the right look with it,long hair no stache etc.some people i work with think I look like a nordic viking,lol its awesome.


Well-Known Member
I just have the problem with hair migrating south ...

Miss it on top only on those cold days or blistering sun without a stitch of cover ...

Or did I miss the point?

Q: Can you be the most interesting man in the world without a full crop up top? That's what I want to know.


Active Member
Lol I rock a chin beard. Not that long though about an inch long maybe the rest I just shave with an electric razor to keep some stubble. I don't like my face smooth shaved cuz my chin beard and stubble say" I'm chill, I'm fun, I don't give a fuck lets smoke" lol.