WHATCHU KNOW ABOUT THAT...No Really I want to know because its my first grow:)


Hey all this is my first real grow and I'd like feedback from anyone that can offer any advise...like if you see something I should be doing,different methods,how to increase yields,grooming & trimming techniques,how to get rid of pests and prevention/protection during flowering cycle...Here is info on my grow:

From Clones (purple strain and 5 unknown) 30 total
16-Transplanted May 20th to Outdoor 15 gallon pots
Sunshine mix #4 agg.soil
14-in ground enriched with steer manuer
Botanicare Nutrients: Sweet,Liquid Karma and Pure Blend
Feed once(3weeks ago)
Sprayed Organic Soap for pest prevention 2 xs over a 4 week period
Problems: Think(know) I have pests..6 of my babies are wilting and look like they are dying
Slugs were eating at ones in ground used slug bait to help
Attached pics of pests anyone know what they are..how to get rid of them?

Any thoughts or feedback is appreciated:)



Active Member
spider mites invasion!! dam.......your doing right by the soap thats what i would have done Mmmmmmmmmm Do you see mites? you should see them under or around somewere BLAST them with water i would say every day if possible in the morning time....I have heard from a few old timers growing soy in the state that i live in the shade is also best thay LOVE LOVE LOVE sunlight.....keep useing the soap oil trick tho, best of wishes!!


thanks I am thinking of using Azamax? someone posted my thread about it and I went and found it takes care of all the critter problems I got..seen white flies today:( So what u seen in my pics is mites?


Active Member
Yes, I think spider mites are your problem. I too had that problem before and tried the soap and water solution, it worked for a while but they came back every few days or so it seemed. I read somewhere before to try those sticky fly strip things and put them near your plants but idk if it works, I never tried it. If you stick with the soap and water solution, you should keep doing it twice a week at most... Btw I love the title of this thread:mrgreen:
But other than the bug infestingness, they don't look too shabby, you're doing good:)


Active Member
Oh and a few things I do to make the plants fatter is I pluck some of the baby leaves and bottom branches and more come out=]
And the more dehydrated your plants get, the more thc they produce.
I only water mine like twice a week lol.
And don't keep the males and females together too long during the flowering stage
-it causes stress.


Thanks for advise BJ I got the Azamax and did a foiler spray..I will see how it goes hope it works and I did pick up Neam oil before but I got wrong kind It was not pure it was a diluted mix.I think maybe Ill continue the Azamax recommendation then continue with the Neam oil as a preventive messure..what a nightmare!!Saw some bugs..think they YOU ARE ALL right about the mites!!YUCK

Samtheham..I had to make my post stand out lol so u guys would comment:) Good advice on the leaf plucking think I ll give it a go..and wondering about the water thing normally it is raining here in WA but we are having 85+ days right now..will that hurt em?Thanks again


Chili sauce huh? Like Tapatio? Never heard that one doesnt it mess with flavor of bud?


Well-Known Member
Oh and a few things I do to make the plants fatter is I pluck some of the baby leaves and bottom branches and more come out=]
And the more dehydrated your plants get, the more thc they produce.
I only water mine like twice a week lol.
And don't keep the males and females together too long during the flowering stage
-it causes stress.
where did you hear that? plants dont produce more thc when dehydrated they get stressed, the roots die and the plant becomes stunted. watering too much and too little both can cause problems. you want to fully saturate, then wait for the pot to loose about half its water weight, and water again. roots grow best in a moist but not wet medium. the root determines the fruit.

and keeping males and females together wont stress them. the males will pollenate the females and give you buds with tons of seeds. this also reduces resin because the plants energy goes into making seeds instead of pumping out resin.



Ive always watered when my pots feel lighter(could be 1/2 there weight) so for my plants every two days right now..but the ones in the ground Ive been doing everyday early morning I dont want root rot so Ive been carefull with over-watering. ..I dont have any males only females..with no signs of hermies, been consistant with them and cant go wrong with nature since everything is pretty natural with outdoors.I do have prob with three budding plants, but already know the prob. they were taken from flowering plants so just dealing ..I DO HAVE A ? WIll these flowering ones send my veg ones into flowering to soon??