Whatever happened to...


Well-Known Member
Why would anyone mix weed with tobacco? Thats just weird.

We used to crumble hash into tobacco. Or use tobacco to soak up old school oil for joints. But mix it with herb? I dont understand...
alot of people do it, to either save on bud, or to make the joint not- so-strong with higher thc bud. Its very common. there is pipe tobacco that has no nicotine in it, and that is what is preferable used.


Well-Known Member
Why am I tagged here? Just your obsession with me? Its not like you don't follow me on other platforms. So stop trying to play cool kid.
Was a lot of drama last week and figured you would have contributed some commentary.
A lot of us follow car crashes on other platforms too :P


Well-Known Member
Was a lot of drama last week and figured you would have contributed some commentary.
A lot of us follow car crashes on other platforms too :P
What a dumbass response. Literally makes no sense and just shows your stupidity. Good so you know what a crash dummy is doing and me ....and still have to make a dumb ass comment to try and be cool. Then will go bitch when real info is put in a thread.
Your obsession with me is really creepy dude. You need to find a new internet crush.


Well-Known Member
alot of people do it, to either save on bud, or to make the joint not- so-strong with higher thc bud. Its very common. there is pipe tobacco that has no nicotine in it, and that is what is preferable used.
Must be an american thing. Never heard of it up here and ive lived in 3 provinces... been smoking 40 years.

I dont see the logic. Mixing weed with tobacco of any kind isnt going to lessen the potency any more than just rolling a smaller joint. Its the exact same thing.
Plus you ruin the flavour with tobacco.
I think people only do it cause its easier to roll tobacco.


Well-Known Member
Cal-mag = calcium nitrate + magnesium nitrate

The reason it greens things up is because of all the nitrate.

Look at your nutrient bottles. One of them is going to be calcium nitrate. Use that as your calcium source.

Substitute magnesium sulfate, aka epsom salt, for the Cal-mag. The bonus is sulfate which really helps with resin, terpenes and aroma.

I use dry nutrient salts like greenhouse professionals because it's cheaper and I know exactly what I'm getting. The sexy labeled water bottle sellers are awfully coy about what's in their mixes because there's almost always a bunch of shit you don't need, emulsifiers, preservatives and often hormones and PGRs.

I use a mix from www.hydro-gardens.com that's 5-11-26 plus micros. It's designed to be used in conjunction with calcium nitrate- 50lb bags of which cost me less than $30, just to give you an idea of how much dry nutrients can save you. They also make a 4-20-36 plus micros mix that's very popular with dispensaries in Colorado. The ratios for that are different.

The ratio I use is basically 3 parts mix, 2 parts CaNi and 1 part epsom salt, by weight. I mix the calcium nitrate separately and add each to the reservoir already partially full so as to avoid high local concentrations of salts reacting with one another.

I use this same mix in veg and in bloom. It's cheap enough to just dump and refill with fresh solution on a regular basis.

The order of progression is to add the dissolved nutrients to a partially full reservoir, dilute to desired solution strength and adjust pH last.
Forgot to ask. If i sub in epsom salt for my cal mag... what do i do to replace the calcium?


Well-Known Member
The key to get healthy growth with LED's is a proper VPD according to the current plant stage.
For germination and early veg the proper range is 0,4-0,8kpa, for veg and ealy flowering stage it's 0,8-1,2kpa and from mid to late flowering 1,2-1,6kpa is the proper range.

This below is calculated with 1° less leaf temps..
VPD Chart -1°C Leaf Temps.gif

The VPD has directly effects on nutrient uptake cuz it regulates transpiration and water uptake. The most accurate is to work with LST(leaf surface temps) cuz ambient temps can be 1-2° higher with LED.

LED is a cold light source and has almost no far- or infra-red like HPS/MH or CMH. The leaves are simply not warmed up in the same way when using LEDs. This makes it neccessary to control LST and humidity youself to keep the VPD in a healthy range.

73°F/50%, 76°F/55%, 80°F/60% and 85°F/65% are equivalents and leads for instace to ~1,4kpa. A value normally used in late flowering. Use such values in veg and you'll get issues like a magnesium lockout pretty fast. The plants just take up too much nutes and especially too much calcium locks out other metals like mg, iron or phosphor pretty fast.

If you keep the VPD in a healthy range you'll also don't need extra calmag.

I fully agree to what @ttystikk says about powerded nutes.
Use something like Jacks 1, 2, 3 or Masterblend 4-18-38. It's a lot cheaper like bottled nutes and you have better control over the nutrient ratios.
Calcium nitrate is also a far better calcium source like the cheaper but often used calcium oxid. GH Maxibloom for instance has only calcium and magnesium oxid added to make sure it doesn't react with each other. Only make sure you disolve each part separately in hand warm water. Do not cook tapwater! You get calcium bicarbonate if you cook tap water. Handwarm is enough to disolve each part quickly.

I also recommed to use a silica source like liquid silicone. It acts like PH+ and helps to keep the set PH constant. Silica helps to strengthen the cell walls and make plants more resistent against PM and but rot.

If you measure ppm's or EC really doesn't matters. Only make sure you know the calculation factor of your meter. TDS meters can have a 0,5 or 0,7 EC factor. The easiest way to find it out is to make a test with 1,0 EC and compare measurings.



Well-Known Member
Lately I run the aircon as well as the dehumidifier before lights off.
Fucking android app is better at setting the AC than the shitty remote.


Well-Known Member
each to their own. plus the law, climate(in UK) and prices make it more difficult.

i vape/dab everything and rarely smoke tobacco.... but i kinda grow so i guess that makes me fortunate
So where in Europe?
Ive smoked, many times, in Amsterdam, germany, england, france, spain, czech republic and italy and i have never seen anyone mix tobacco with weed.