
I used to like all of the insults, now they make me sad. Dead butterfly sad. Sad as when I see squished worms after a long gentle rain. Not quite as sad as I feel after I kick the neighbors dog...that poor, poor thing.
I used to like all of the insults, now they make me sad. Dead butterfly sad. Sad as when I see squished worms after a long gentle rain. Not quite as sad as I feel after I kick the neighbors dog...that poor, poor thing.
youve benn doing it wrong thats why your sad...kick the wife kiss the dog it will fix everything I promise
Fuck you.


You fat fag.
I'm back to wish all you motherfuckers a long trip in hell. This thread is now open for people to talk shit on other people. If somebody's pissing you off or doing stupid shit. Whatever! Put them on blast. Fuck em! I'm too tired to hate on demand. Its all yours you stupid sack of retarded shit.
You fricken stupid heads..u guys dont know whats up...thats about as nasty as i get im a lover not a hater
how about you make love to my dick hole you fucking pansy. your a fucking liar I know your a hater. you cant rush blood to your enfeeble flabby penis like i can with my sturdy commanding blood engorged penile shaft. this is why your mother chooses to sleep with me over you
how about you make love to my dick hole you fucking pansy. your a fucking liar I know your a hater. you cant rush blood to your enfeeble flabby penis like i can with my sturdy commanding blood engorged penile shaft. this is why your mother chooses to sleep with me over you
I wish you and your engorged penile shaft the best. Im really not a mean person. I think you have me confused with somebody else!
how about you make love to my dick hole you fucking pansy. your a fucking liar I know your a hater. you cant rush blood to your enfeeble flabby penis like i can with my sturdy commanding blood engorged penile shaft. this is why your mother chooses to sleep with me over you

Ya fucking idiot. Now beat it.
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