
I'll take one if your willing to stick a finger in my butthole right before I squirt!! Lmao that don't sound to manly..RIGHT BEFORE I SQUIRT!! Oh well......Are you down?
If by "down" you mean we make fun of each other about being gay and/ or whores for the next 20 mins or so...

Im not good with rhetoric
"A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked in order to make a point.[1] The question, a rhetorical device, is posed not to elicit a specific answer, but rather to encourage the listener to consider a message or viewpoint. Though classically stated as a proper question, such a device may be posed declaratively by implying a question, and therefore may not always require a question mark when written. Though a rhetorical question does not require a direct answer, in many cases it may be intended to start a discussion or at least draw an acknowledgement that the listener understands the intended message.

A common example is the question "Can't you do anything right?". This question, when posed, is intended not to ask about the listener's abilities, but rather to insinuate a lack of the listener's abilities.

Although sometimes amusing and even humorous, rhetorical questions are rarely meant for pure, comedic effect. A carefully crafted question can, if delivered well, persuade an audience to believe in the position(s) of the speaker.[2]

In simple terms, it is a question asked more to produce an effect than to summon an answer."

I thought you were just kidding, because I CLEARLY have sucked my weight in cock over the years...
Hey @chewberto I'm gonna tie your stupid cock stroking hands behind your back and strap a plastic bag around your fat head that's filled with cocks and human shit. Then I'm gonna make you lay your head in front of an open hot oven while I kick you in the vagina while the cock and shit bag melts onto your fucked up bashed the fuck out face.

Eat shit and cocks, bro.
You lost me at "quote indicators" before - I was just playing along. My fingers are FING-ing...
View attachment 3245076
The numbers tell you where to learn

On entering puberty, the penis, scrotum and testicles will begin to develop. During the process, pubic hair grows above and around the penis. A large-scale study assessing penis size in thousands of 17–19 year old males found no difference in average penis size between 17 year olds and 19 year olds. From this, it can be concluded that penile growth is typically complete not later than age 17, and possibly earlier.[1]

Physiological functions
Main article: Urination
In males, the expulsion of urine from the body is done through the penis. The urethra drains the bladder through the prostate gland where it is joined by the ejaculatory duct, and then onward to the penis. At the root of the penis (the proximal end of the corpus spongiosum) lies the external sphincter muscle. This is a small sphincter of striated muscle tissue and is in healthy males under voluntary control. Relaxing the urethra sphincter allows the urine in the upper urethra to enter the penis proper and thus empty the urinary bladder.

Man urinating in a public toilet
Physiologically, urination involves coordination between the central, autonomic, and somatic nervous systems. In infants, some elderly individuals, and those with neurological injury, urination may occur as an involuntary reflex. Brain centers that regulate urination include the pontine micturition center, periaqueductal gray, and the cerebral cortex.[2] During erection, these centers block the relaxation of the sphincter muscles, so as to act as a physiological separation of the excretory and reproductive function of the penis, and stopping sperm from entering the upper portion of the urethra during ejaculation.[3]

  1. Ponchietti R, Mondaini N, Bonafè M, Di Loro F, Biscioni S, Masieri L (February 2001). "Penile length and circumference: a study on 3,300 young Italian males". European Urology 39 (2): 183–6. doi:10.1159/000052434. PMID 11223678.
  2. Sie JA, Blok BF, de Weerd H, Holstege G (2001). "Ultrastructural evidence for direct projections from the pontine micturition center to glycine-immunoreactive neurons in the sacral dorsal gray commissure in the cat". J. Comp. Neurol. 429 (4): 631–7. doi:10.1002/1096-9861(20010122)429:4<631::AID-CNE9>3.0.CO;2-M. PMID 11135240.
  3. Schirren, C.; Rehacek, M.; Cooman, S. de; Widmann, H.-U. (24 April 2009). "Die retrograde Ejakulation". Andrologia 5 (1): 7–14. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0272.1973.tb00878.x.
