Whats a bad trip even like?


Had a few really bad experiences on it, but hundreds of amazing ones.

Ayahuasca is the mother of them all


Well-Known Member
If you're looking for extreme guidance. Ayahuasca is a great candidate. Mostly an introspective trip. LSD is lightening in a bottle for the mind! :D


Well-Known Member
you jump off the High School roof, like in "Adam-12," or any of those old 70's police shows
"i can flyyyyyyy"


Well-Known Member
Reasonable people can have bad trips, a bad trip is truely like decending into hell for 6 or 8 hours - and I remind, those are psychadelic hours - the kinds that last for days. I have recounted mine on RIU and won't trouble anyone with a recount - lets just say it got me in a place where I could not manage and could not even let go. A bad trip cannot be forseen and cannot be prevented (although you can alter the odds).


Well-Known Member
I thought my face was melting one time on Shrooms? Not an experience I would want to re-live. :/


Staff member
i disagree try being 5'2 125lbs and droppin ona shit ton of meth.. i fainted i threw up everyday i went outside and there was lthis little kid like riding his bike looked like fucking damien..
If you aren't in a good or strong place mentally, you are more prone to having a bad trip. For example, if you have a warrant or are fighting with your significant other you might not be able to stop dwelling on it and have a bad trip.

In my opinion the most common bad trip is when you no longer want to be tripping yet you cannot stop tripping, so you find yourself waiting for it to end, which can take a long time.

Also, it is common for people to freak out a little bit if the start their trip in the afternoon, and everything will be happy and great, then the darnkess sets in and changes the mood.

Hallucinogens make you extremely sensitive to emotions, and your environment. Music has a profound effect. I used to like to have my mp3 handy so I could put some reggae or happy tunes to mellow me out if I was ever getting down.

Also, it is always good to have a "sitter" with you. A sitter is a sober friend who can help make sure things don't get out of hand. I used to think I had "trippin" down until I took way to much strong LSD... Be careful.


Active Member
Bad tripps are crazy, every on sumed up how they can occur, but my bad trip was outside in the dayligh on an 8th of cubes and 2 blunts. It started out really chill but hit pretty hard and fast. We were at a friends house and everything was going good until we when for a walk to go smoke. When we left we see alot of cops arresting someone. WE go around the corner, sit down & start smoking. This is when OEV are very power full (not peaking yet). I stop smoking the weed an i can almost tell that my friend is having a intince trip as well. As we keep wasing and talking we sit down on some stairs. CEV are way more intince than open eyes. Everything is closeing in on me, I'm seeing crazy powerfull life/death images ,an thoughts racing through my head at 100,000,000 mpr. Life & death seemed alot more than any of use can begin to under or comprehend. the introspective part of the tripp about my life is what really made it a bad trip, I began turning my pocket knife on myself, lucky for me I had good friends with me.
Basically a bad trip on acid is just a really tight squeeze in your head and you feel like...it's hard to explain its like you're walking througha fun house in alice in wonderland and you run into the cat and you're like shit fuck dick. and you feel like it's the end of the world....basically a bad trip, just make sure noone does or says anything to upset you while trippin also loud little kids is bad....that's how people die....stay out of the dark and super crowded places, just happy happy joy joy all the way!


Well-Known Member
Don't let anyone tell you that a little discomfort or some bad thoughts are a bad trip, they are not, they are... a little discomfort or some bad thoughts, a bad trip is that place you cannot escape or slip out of that confounds you if you intend to be in some better place.


Active Member
surround yourself with the right people and i wouldnt recommend you do them if you have low self esteem or are a violent person. I Have seen people that have poor self esteem have the worse trips then anyone.


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  • Has anyone ever watched their lawn breathe at night ?

Yup, watched the sun rise too. Mushrooms had me and a buddy sitting there, his silhouette looked like a gnome. And we talked about anything and everything. Beautiful night that was


this kid that went to my school, he had a bad trip for his first time tripping he ate a quarter of some mushrooms, took 2 hits of lsd and huffed something he freaked out for 17 hours then went into this unresponsive coma for 2 days....he still wants to try them just in moderation next time
I have had so many good, fun trips, mostly acid as a teenager, but I have had a few bad trips and had several friends have them too, they suck, but at the same time, they are part of the experience and can be turned back into enjoyment with the right consciousness.

My first bad trip was in the woods, in February, pony keg, 4 of us, all good friends, deserted campground, huge campfire in our favorite campsite. 1 guy starts to have a bad trip and crawls in his truck because he perceives an action by another friend as negative and doesn't know how to handle it. He doesn't come out until the next morning.

I get up to piss in the bushes, and it hits me, the wall of static 100 feet high in front and on both sides of me. Like TV static, the buzzing gets louder as my whiz hits the bushes in front of me. By the time I finish peeing, I'm frying, balls out experiencing one of the most sensory-heightened trips I would ever experience. I walk back to the fire, sit... I'm gone. My 2 remaining friends each fill up a pitcher from the keg and head off towards the trail. I see them fucking with the flashlights and then finally laughing hysterically, throw them to the ground and walk off into the canyon, it's about 10:00pm.

All of a sudden, to my right, I see the headlights of a car coming straight at me... this was the moment everything went wrong. I didn't know there was a road there. In all the time all of my friends and I camped there, we never saw this road or saw a car travel on it. I froze as the car turned and slowly disappeared down the road on the other side of the ravine. Over what I think was the next several hours, I went from wondering "did the people in the car saw me sitting there, in February, looking lost and call the cops?", to the panic of "Oh My God, am I sitting in the rubber room with my family staring through the glass at me, and I don't know it?".... Bad, bad trip.

I came out of it when my 2 friends returned from their hike about 2 or 3 am to get more beer. They had a blast, my friend in the back of his truck had the worst time of his life and I, had a very bad trip, but not the worst time of my life. It was an amazing experience that I appreciate having, if nothing more than to appreciate the contrast of a good trip. If you fry, you may eventually experience one.

The second time I didn't know most of the people I was frying with and so as we sat on the couch watching faces of death, a cop walks in the door, puts his gun on the kitchen table, walks in the room and sits down on the chair next to me and proceeds to join the conversation... *&%$!@#??!?!?! It was one of the guys roommate... he didn't tell any of us first. The night continued downward from there until I finally found the corner of a hotel room of someone I didn't know to sleep in. I woke up the next morning, walked out of the room and called a friend for a ride.

Keep all thoughts positive, don't fry with people you don't know, establish your environment before hand and stay there! LOL...