Whats a good water/feeding schedule?


Active Member
Hi guys im growing 2 babies in my closet and i was just wondering whats a good water/feeding schedule for my plants like should i feed it once a week and water it every 2 days or so? im kinda new on the whole water/food schedule thing and i wanna know the right way!
what's your grow medium. usually soil is watered every few days. there is no set schedule you can just get on the net. water, when the soil is dry, water again. eventually in soil waterings become more frequent but its not to bad.

little trick. water and let the runoff sit. 30 minutes later the soil should have sucked the run off back up. I've gauged the ammount my plants needed off this.

good luck


Well-Known Member
water it only when it gets dry. personaly i use 50/50 Perlite/Peat mix so it gets dry fast, and you have to water often, but this makes for better bud.

i use a dilute nutrient solution for most waterings. make it VERY weak, only around 10% of the recomended dosage. this will allow your plants to continually feed from the nutrients in the water and the soil. instead of getting a big flush and only being able to feed sometimes. i personaly go feed/feed/water and use that pattern so that salts don't build up in the soil. before you flush the plant let it get drier than normal and water it with more water than normal, this will help flush out more of the salt build up, runoff is a good thing when flushing.

Edit: use the "2 inch" rune to know when your soil is truly dry. taky your finger and dig it 2 inches into the soil, if its damp then dont water, if its dry then water.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
As said, no schedule, watyer it when it needs watering and don't water it if it doesn't, overwatering starvs the roots of oxygen and is no good. A good tip is to get used to the wet and dry weights of your pots, is a little vague at first but you'll quickly work it out :)


Active Member
As said, no schedule, watyer it when it needs watering and don't water it if it doesn't, overwatering starvs the roots of oxygen and is no good. A good tip is to get used to the wet and dry weights of your pots, is a little vague at first but you'll quickly work it out :)
oh ok thanks guys for your advice,

soo i just fed my babies a small about of floralicious bloom and im seeing results :)

but im still confused idk if u guys got my question i mean when i FEED my Plant should i water it right after or wait it out a day or soo? thats what im stuck on

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
oh ok thanks guys for your advice,

soo i just fed my babies a small about of floralicious bloom and im seeing results :)

but im still confused idk if u guys got my question i mean when i FEED my Plant should i water it right after or wait it out a day or soo? thats what im stuck on
Now i'm drinking lots of vodka and smoking up a storm, so you might need to explain your feeding and watering process to me, but for now i am a tad counfused so i'll just explain how i do it and you an work out how yours is different and ask another question haha, i do appologise.

Once my plants are large enough to be fed nutrients, i mix my nutes with my water, and give them as much as they need, they don't then get watered, they get fed again, with water and nutes mixed together, a few days later when the pot is dry. I will ocasionally give it plain water but nearly always a water and nute mix.

Sorry if even that is unclear haha, if there's anyone to blame blame sambo, he's a nobber! :lol: subliminal messages arrrrrrrrr he won.


Active Member
Now i'm drinking lots of vodka and smoking up a storm, so you might need to explain your feeding and watering process to me, but for now i am a tad counfused so i'll just explain how i do it and you an work out how yours is different and ask another question haha, i do appologise.

Once my plants are large enough to be fed nutrients, i mix my nutes with my water, and give them as much as they need, they don't then get watered, they get fed again, with water and nutes mixed together, a few days later when the pot is dry. I will ocasionally give it plain water but nearly always a water and nute mix.

Sorry if even that is unclear haha, if there's anyone to blame blame sambo, he's a nobber! :lol: subliminal messages arrrrrrrrr he won.
that makes sense i am using nutes with water and i fed my plants last night and i checked on them today and the soil looked dry i put my finger in the soil and it was dry so i watered it today, next when the soil is dry i will feed it with nutes and water mixed.

all i want is a good basic water/food schedule but if your sayin i can use nutes with water then no need to water right maby water once or so? Also Important Question about the nutes and water How long can the nutes and water Sit till it goes bad any idea? thanks again guys!


A caution: overwatering is a common mistake for those new to growing. I am sure i killed my first few clones with too much water.

To judge how frequent you need to water, take a few days off. Wait until the leaves get a little droopy. Then you know you have gone too long without water. You will know that plant is underwatered by how it responds. Droopy leaves, add water, should change in appearance within a couple of hours. No more droopiness.


Active Member
ok sweet thanks for your advice but thats not my question i asked lol,

i said how long can nutes mixed with water sit for??