Whats a good way to mix soil?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about getting some ocean forest and cutting it with about 20% perlite and was wondering what a good method to mix the soil and perlite would be

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
get a good strong (equivalent to what you're needing + 20% or more.) plastic trash bag. put the soil/medium in the trash bag, and the perlite. blow the bag full of air and twist it closed. now shake it all around. in a couple minutes, or less, it's all mixed up...


Well-Known Member
A good bucket, mix it all up w/ your hands real good, then add water and mix til its moist, water has to be chlorine free of course.

^^ good call, gotta be sterile


Well-Known Member
Sorry to sound like a dick but is this a serious question?
Use your hands to mix it, theres no special process bro.


Well-Known Member
I mix mine at planting time - as I'm filling the container. So add say two handfulls of soil, half a cup of perlite, and mix with your fingers - continue until container is full.


Well-Known Member
I use a 50 gallon tub I keep everything premixed in there. I use my husband to mix it! He uses his hands. I wont touch worm shit.

Cow Tea

Active Member
Step 1: make a hole in the soil
Step 2: put your dick in that soil
Step 3: try to grow in that soil

and that's how you do it...

It's your dick in a pot!


Well-Known Member
I use a giant tupperware storage tub, add the perlite, and mix it by hand. It's big enough to mix two bags at a time, if you want, but I only mix one so that i don't make a mess spilling it over the edges. They come with lids so you can cover it up when your done too, which is nice. They carry them at Walmart for like $10.