What's best time to water girls\lst trainning


Active Member
Is it best to water girls before light come on…after light come on…or when light go off. LST. Training when best time to start it and what's benefits of LST training your girls


I don't think it matters much as long as you don't have them wet sitting in the dark. So if you do it a little before the lights come on, that's fine, but don't do it just before they go out.


Well-Known Member
I started LST as soon as I had 5 leaf sets. Will take more pics of mine tonight and update journal. Get bending pal!

I also feed just before lights come on, helps with humidity in the set up I've got.


Active Member
dude it doesnt matter lol. Water them when they need to be watered. Are u gonna realize at 11 pm that u need to water them? ur usually gonna notice they need to be watered in the day never heard of someone watering they plants and then turning off the lights. who knows lmao.

LST as ive never done it before is prolly best to start of early. before she hits 1 month old preferably. LST really stands for Low Stress Training. Ur making ur plant stronger and letting the inner nodes get more light. Which is obviously good for the plant :D hope that helps a little


Well-Known Member
well if they need a drink, by all means give them water. Other than that, I water in the mornings, maybe an hour after the light goes on. Maybe it makes a difference, maybe not. But this essentially replicates the early morning watering from dew/mist the plant would normally receive in the outdoors.

but yeah, avoiding having the dirt sitting in water all night long is key. You need a good dry/wet cycle.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I don't grow in dirt. I have three 15 minute from start to finish flood and drains every 24 hours. One is in the center of the dark period. I have another system that runs two 1/2 hour waterings every twenty-four hours. It has a lower res that has to fill up before the table and the upper res drains into the head of the table creating and undercurent until the table is full. A float switch bypasses the timer and the draining starts as soon as the table is full. It actually works pretty good. I start one watering cycle just before the light(s) goes on and the next one just before the lights go out. Just me... proving that mj will grow nicely on up crop islands and live along fresh water (so-called inlets) using the tide as a source watering by sea water raising and lowering the water level of the inlets:)


Well-Known Member
Seems that watering is covered, as for LST, I start tiring when I see secondary growth starting to show. At that point you are tricking the plant and it thinks that since the 'head' of the plant is not pointing up, it needs to make new ones. Same principle as topping, just affects the whole plant and not just the top. And there is no cutting involved! But I'd say around the 6th or so node, befor she starts to stiffen up, bend her as far to one side as possible and tie. It's an awesome method, especially if you have hight restrictions. IMHO, its the best and least harsh way to increase yield! Happy growing!
IMAG0227.jpg my last one. She went though about 6 different tiedown sessions, tieing, untieing, retieing; throughout the whole veg cycle. And I was really pleased with how she responded to everything I did


Well-Known Member
watering just after lights on is the best time to water in my opinion. Plants don't draw up as much water during lights out as they do during lights on so if you water right before the dark period it will just sit there over night until the lights come back on and could possibly, not likely but possible attract mold and root rot as the roots will literally be sitting in a puddle of water for several hours