Whats better? Smokin fine herb or gettin laid anytime?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I blew it out of proportion for a reason.

There are two sides to the story, we do not know either. I enjoy playing devil's advocate. I generally do not give out my opinion on controversial subjects, I just show a different opinion from a different viewpoint.


Well-Known Member
yeah i would that example is completely irrelevant due to how extreme it is
obviously if a man beats the shit out of his wife he doesn't love her and she should leave I was in a 2 year relationship and I was told I had to quit weed which I did and I would say he completely changed who I was in every which way it's terrible if the person your with can't be happy with you as you are then there is a problem. I highly doubt pot is over taking his life but if it is he could cut back instead of quitting all together . there are plenty of other fish in the sea who could love him for who he actually is instead of tying to change who he is
i can understand the comparison here. he's trying to explain that people shouldnt just ignore all potentially negative behaviour simply because they love someone and want to accept them for who they are. but i think that unless someone is abusing weed to the point that they're no longer an active participant in the relationship because they spend so much time smoking weed, it shouldnt really be an issue.


Well-Known Member
I blew it out of proportion for a reason.

There are two sides to the story, we do not know either. I enjoy playing devil's advocate. I generally do not give out my opinion on controversial subjects, I just show a different opinion from a different viewpoint.
im glad you do, i enjoy debate type discussions. it helps me to exercise the brain and learn to think more quickly :D


Oracle of Hallucinogens
i understand what you're saying :) i just think that people tend to over generalize their info on pot. everyone reacts to it differently, just like with any type of drug out there, legal or not, addictive or not.
Agreed. I am just here to ask questions and see other's point of view. I really find pot to be harmless.

some people just cant function well when high...i know a couple guys like this lol.
Would you go as far as to say some people function differently?

but for people who are responsible with their pot use, and can find that balance of moderated use, it typically is more of a life enhancer than a life hinderer.
I doubt I need to tell you, but I agree 100%. lol.

No relation. This is example is far to extreme.
There is a relation. We do not know what she said the "problem" was, do we? Obviously the problem is not from smoking weed, it is from a reaction that the person partaking in the smoking has.


i can understand the comparison here. he's trying to explain that people shouldnt just ignore all potentially negative behaviour simply because they love someone and want to accept them for who they are. but i think that unless someone is abusing weed to the point that they're no longer an active participant in the relationship because they spend so much time smoking weed, it shouldnt really be an issue.
Spot on.


Do you think that someone who comes to an online forum to ask:

Should I stay in my relationship or smoke weed? (essentially)

may be at that point?


Well-Known Member
Agreed. I am just here to ask questions and see other's point of view. I really find pot to be harmless.

Would you go as far as to say some people function differently?

I doubt I need to tell you, but I agree 100%. lol.

There is a relation. We do not know what she said the "problem" was, do we? Obviously the problem is not from smoking weed, it is from a reaction that the person partaking in the smoking has.


Spot on.


Do you think that someone who comes to an online forum to ask:

Should I stay in my relationship or smoke weed? (essentially)

may be at that point?
i know that i function differently in the sense that im not weighed down by too many thoughts and emotions, so i tend to function at a higher level when i have pot to relieve some of that...

my boys on the other hand lol. they dont really function differently, just more slowly. but i think thats because they're not regular tokers...so their brains and bodies havent adjusted to regular use like people who use it daily as a medical option.

edit* i dont know if they might be at that point. she's telling him to stop because its had a negative impact on past relationships, his g/f isnt saying that its negatively impacting their relationship now. she's just using her past experiences with someone else to try and foresee the future with her new boyfriend, our OP. but he's a different person than others in the past and he may not be an irresponsible pot user. i think maybe he asked here on RIU because maybe he thought that other guys had been in this position themselves and therefore better able to assist with suggestions

edit again...darn. i tried to rep you but it wouldnt let me :( so i even though im not adding to your points i wanted to say that i would give a rep if i could :D lol


Well-Known Member
fine herb all day long. plenty of fishes in the sea.
this. never change yourself for a woman. compromise yes, completely change, no. she'll respect you less if you stop going about business as usual in your own life and start being her bitch. seems kind of obvious, eh? yet so many guys try to win women over by giving them everything they desire even if that means changing parts of their OWN life they have no desire to change. no one gets everything they desire. she will see your lack of foundation and lack of identity.

be yourself. i've been smoking too much weed lately, so i've been cutting back. never thought id want to do that, but there's things in life that are actually more enjoyable not stoned (not a lot of stuff, but some).

women want men who know what they want and don't stop until they achieve it.

my advice, find a woman who CAN agree to disagree with you. not one who's so used to little bitch men that she forces herself into playing a controlling masculine role (the one you should be playing, and she does this because she cannot trust the man to be THE MAN) because she is so used to having to take charge (instead of having her man take charge), instead of playing the feminine role where she is open hearted yearning for your love and appreciation.

so yeah, find a woman who you don't agree on with everything (which is every woman), but also a woman who is completely accepting and okay with that (there are a lot like this, often times you will find they are taken). she will make you most happy. and her being accepting of you and that about you which she disagrees with will in turn help you appreciate her even more.

of course the first option would be to try and get your girl to be more accepting of who you are and what you like, but if she continues in her bitch ways, id say move on.


Active Member
So an updater.....Didn't work out guys and gals. She just wasn't my Ganja queen I guess haha. The nail in the coffin was my "want to hang with friends at my house more than going to a club with her"

Oh well back to me the ganja and Palm-ela Anderson.

Peace and pot guys and gals I'm out


Staff member
HA! i was right , well good luck to you buddy and i hope you find your ganja queen who can accept and love you for who you are

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
You give ppl what they want, they'll get used to the feel, and end up wanting more...
as previously said, ppl accept you for who you are, not your habits .

If smoking pot is part of you lifestyle, because you have an illness or just enjoy it, its your business ..
And pot affects ppl in different ways, she cant overgeneralize and put past relationships in parallel with new ones ..
(she can, its just not relevant)


Well-Known Member
tell her not to judge u for some other boyfriends fuck ups its not the herb that makes a person its the person themselves.


Well-Known Member
So an updater.....Didn't work out guys and gals. She just wasn't my Ganja queen I guess haha. The nail in the coffin was my "want to hang with friends at my house more than going to a club with her"

Oh well back to me the ganja and Palm-ela Anderson.

Peace and pot guys and gals I'm out
see, i think that the pot was just an attempt at control. because now she's upset that you wanted to hang out with your buddies instead of clubbing with her...she was always going to find something to nitpick at until she had moulded you into her ideal b/f.

i still do not understand why women do this...i think its better to wait for someone who already has the qualities you want instead of trying to change someone to fit your ideals.

so now you're single and ready to mingle :D lol


any woman who wants YOU to stop smoking because SHE doesnt like it is a bitch, and needs to GTFO of your presence

the bitch already expects you to just drop what your doing and stop hanging out with your friends so you can go with her to whatever she is doing

what a bitch, problem is so many women are like that

its like most women in america are just fucking selfish bitches, who raise selfish bitches, expecting so much more than reality has to offer

the problem i have had in my relationships is women are so fucking ridiculous sometimes, the demands and requests they make, the things they say, and the things they get mad at your for NEVER MAKE ANY SENSE


Active Member
see, i think that the pot was just an attempt at control. because now she's upset that you wanted to hang out with your buddies instead of clubbing with her...she was always going to find something to nitpick at until she had moulded you into her ideal b/f.

i still do not understand why women do this...i think its better to wait for someone who already has the qualities you want instead of trying to change someone to fit your ideals.

so now you're single and ready to mingle :D lol
I am indeed single. Too bad Rollitup doesn't have a stoner style version of Match.com lol ;)


"I love weed, I love it!...........But I love pussy more"-Dave Chappelle.


Well-Known Member
Well, it all depends on who the sex is with. If pre-crazy britney spears wanted me to quit smoking, I think I would do it, but not for just some hoodrat girl.

You know what? I'd even take post crazy britney. :D


Well-Known Member
Well, it all depends on who the sex is with. If pre-crazy britney spears wanted me to quit smoking, I think I would do it, but not for just some hoodrat girl.

You know what? I'd even take post crazy britney. :D
Isn't that the same thing?