What’s causing this?


Active Member
Hi guys, I have living beds with multiple strains going in a bloom room. Day 38 of bloom today. This one bed is a problem—it’s tops look like hell. It looks like classic light leak/heat stress to me, but none of the others girls/beds are like this—they all look GREAT. There is another bed of the same strain in the same room and the difference is night and day—the other bed is far better in every way. Every bed in the room is far better in every way.

strain is zour patch kids, canopy highs/lows are approximately 82-76, humidity bounces between 50-70 during day/night. We ran 1500 ppm co2 until day 34, now at 1000.

tl;dr: only one bed in a room looks like this/is having problems, including another bed of the same strain that looks great. The lower buds on these plants are more mature than the colas. What the hell is going on??



Active Member
Here’s some more pictures—two of them are of the problem bed, showing lower growth surpassing upper. The others are of the bed of the same strain —these (the good looking ones) are actually the mothers of the problem bed clones, genetically identical. Problem bed is planted dense (16 clones in one bed) while their mothers (the healthy pics) are wayyyy older and bigger. The other densely planted beds look great.



Active Member
More pics of the rest of the girls, packing on serious weight. Anyone know what could be causing only one 4’X4’ section of the room to be messed up like that when the rest of the room is happy as could be?

