Whats cracking RIU


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I have been reading/researching/experimenting with horticulture for a little over 2 years now, have had two very successfully outdoor vegetable gardens, and will begin indoor MJ cultivation the very beginning of 2009. I would have started earlier but my apartment/roommate situation would not have allowed me to be 100% comfortable doing my thing so I have patiently waited, lurking and reading in the mean time. I should be moved in to my new home come January where the sky is the limits.

In the mean time, I have started a hydroponic vegetable grow to get a little hands on learning with stuff I won't mind dieing on me. So far I have started Habanero Chili Peppers (fucking hot as hell) in an old aero garden from seed, and took cuttings/clones from some different tomato plants from my outdoor garden. The clones are little under a week old in my homemade Bubble Cloner, looking good and expecting roots in the next 5 to 7 days.

Once some stuff gets delivered I will be putting the finishing touches on my DWC System for Veg/Flowering stages and setting up my area and 400w hps.

Overall I am very excited. This is something I have wanted to do for years and now all the pieces are finally coming together. I look forward to sharing my adventures with you, learning and sharing what I have learned.

stay good -