Whats different? Help.

Hello i wanted to know whats difference from - [h=1]Vision - Northern Lights Auto[/h]and

[h=1]Nirvana - Auto Northern Lights[/h]and

[h=1]00 Seeds - Auto Northern Lights[/h]
I wanted to buy Nirvana NL fem auto but they are currently avaible(sold out) . Then i write in search Northern Lights and find more thoose two types of NL. Whats diference? Nirvana Auto NL is for beginers growers and unvaivable but i can take Vision or 00 Seeds Northern Lights auto.?


Well-Known Member
It's just different breeders version of Auto Northern Lights, all 3 strains will be different as they would have been breed from different parents.
OKs, and all thoose three is for beginners or only Nirvana is for beginner grower who is thinking to grow first time indoor? Vision and 00 seeds are harder to grow?


Well-Known Member
there are no strains specificly for beginers. its just that strains that are more resistant to pests, mold and other problems are more beginer friendly because there harder to kill. you can realisticly start with any strain of weed you want, northern lights based strands were recomended to you in your previous thread because it is a very stable strain that is very common and well documented and is hard to screw up. dosent really mater what version of it you get or from what breeder, well as long as its a breeder witha good reputation anyways. the only differnce between an auto strain and a regular strain i explained to you in your other thread already
Ok tnx. Then there is no difference from what breeder i took it, they are one strain for beginers only breeders are different yeah? :D


Active Member
Each breeder's seeds will be from different genetics - as such they WILL be different. As Adjorr told you, Northern Lights is a forgiving plant, which makes it easier for beginners. There are no "beginner only" breeders, or strains.


Well-Known Member
There is no need to be grammatical, you should be fine with a northern lights strain indoors!