Whats eating at my plant?


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, got a good question here, its my first outdoor run, so my first time seeing weird holes like this in my plants, theyre really small and uually only on one leaf maybe a couplr each plant, i checked for mites, only with the naked eye and found nothing, here and there theres the odd spider and then little red spiders, not sure if those are mites or not? but yes im just trying to figyre out what it is, if its bad and what to do if so



Well-Known Member
they are the ones munching yes....weekly neem application should keep them away...if that doesnt do it by flowering time get something stronger for the mites...spinosad or avid, douse em good and the whole area. Once the trics start, stop spraying


Well-Known Member
so those little red bastards would be mites? i only see a very few amount usually, wonder if i should change location or does all woods have them? what would be best to keep them away that neem application and how much would be for a bottle? they dont seem to sit on the plant often ill inly find a odd cpl moving around here and there


Well-Known Member
true true, will neem oil hurt the plant or do i put it around them? cause theres notreally mites around them just dont want them to get on them if that what the red spider looking things are


Well-Known Member
No neem wont hurt the plant...growers use this religiously as it is safe and natural. once it rains you'll want to reapply it. THose mites are most likely all over your yard. one of the 1st things I recommend growing outdoors is getting familiar with the bugs in the area...what preventative measures to take with an infestation etc. Bugs are soooo adaptable, even to pesticides they will adapt and carry on the adaptation/immunity to their babies..which is why i suggested getting a pesticide more powerful if the neem isnt working. You'll want to get any bugs munching away on your plant good and gone before flowering starts


Well-Known Member
thats what i was looking at pse, says you can use it in a spray but oils may be on the plant but will wash off/ wont hurt it, and thanks for the advice lots dia, i may grab some neem oil try that around the plants see if ut helps, also i grow in straight forest of northern canada so theres alot of different bugs in the area, hopefully that will help if not somefthing stronger will byt your right, would be beat to control it before flowering, also may try getting used to species of bugs around, all so far was little rwd mite fellers and the odd spider here and there


Well-Known Member
true true, will neem oil hurt the plant or do i put it around them? cause theres notreally mites around them just dont want them to get on them if that what the red spider looking things are
I am fairly certain that's not mite damage, more likely leaf-hoppers or baby grasshoppers.
that's transient damage not colonized.
I could be wrong, but by that pic, I don't think I am.
Willing to bet it's not mites.
Me and mites go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. Never seen mite damage that large, those holes are bigger than mite-holes.
look for these. They jump away exactly like grasshoppers do.


Well-Known Member
I meant as in when you water your plants you can mix it and the plant absorbs it thru the roots instead of spraying it on the plant itself
no, neem isn't systemic.
you'd need a different thing for that method.
I wouldn't worry about this damage, I wouldn't do a thing at all, except monitor for any other bugs, when you grow outside you have to basicly make a deal with mother nature, you get the sun's light, but ya gotta allow some bugs to nibble on your plants, it won't hurt them, unless you get caterpillars or spider mites.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
when i have a pest problem i get rid of it now. i'm not waiting for strickly organic remedies or pesticides to work.
there's a fairly new product on the market by Ortho. it's labeled Fruit, Vegetable and Flower spray.
i held a commercial pesticide license for over 30 years and this the best i used by far.
cure the problem now and worry about something else. GL


Well-Known Member
I am fairly certain that's not mite damage, more likely leaf-hoppers or baby grasshoppers.
that's transient damage not colonized.
I could be wrong, but by that pic, I don't think I am.
Willing to bet it's not mites.
Me and mites go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. Never seen mite damage that large, those holes are bigger than mite-holes.
look for these. They jump away exactly like grasshoppers do.
View attachment 3460758
its defintley those, i see the little bastards on them early in the mornings


Well-Known Member
I am fairly certain that's not mite damage, more likely leaf-hoppers or baby grasshoppers.
that's transient damage not colonized.
I could be wrong, but by that pic, I don't think I am.
Willing to bet it's not mites.
Me and mites go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. Never seen mite damage that large, those holes are bigger than mite-holes.
look for these. They jump away exactly like grasshoppers do.
View attachment 3460758
I got them f##kers too.with more colors


Well-Known Member
Absolutely neem oil can be taken in by the roots, safely when used as directed. I spray the shit out of mine from the soil to the tops, good stuff.


Well-Known Member
wondering are those lil leafhoppers damage causers for the final ending prdouct? and if so what would get rid them


Well-Known Member
I use the blue Dawn dish liquid to rid bugs safely and for good.
2-3 drops of dawn in a sprayer filled with water. Works perfect every time.
One bottle of blue dawn will last you a lifetime or longer for $3.00.
You would not catch me dead spending any more then $3.00 on ridding bugs
for good. Actually every year I rid bugs for good on 18 big outdoor plants up to 12' high and
very wide plants for just a few pennies at most.