What's Eating My Fan Leaves?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys n' gals,

I am 2 weeks into flower and have some holes on 2 fan leaves that look like somethings been munching on the leaves.

The plant is growing vigorously and healthy aside from this.

There were some fungus gnats that have been addressed but other than that I don't know what to think of it.

Any thoughts on what could be munching on the leaves like this?

IMG_2846.JPG.jpeg IMG_2847.JPG.jpeg IMG_2848.JPG.jpeg IMG_2849.JPG.jpeg IMG_2856.JPG.jpeg
Can you find the bugs right now? Looks like Earwigs, they seem to like the edges of new growth. Is it on newer growth towards the tops as well? They like to come out at night so you might not see them during the day eating. I have similar bites, and it's from those fuckers. They eat a bunch over night.
Can you find the bugs right now? Looks like Earwigs, they seem to like the edges of new growth. Is it on newer growth towards the tops as well? They like to come out at night so you might not see them during the day eating. I have similar bites, and it's from those fuckers. They eat a bunch over night.

Can't see anything right now bro.. But now that you mention it, I did kill one earwig I spotted a couple days ago crawling around the 4x4. Yes they are eating the newer growth towards the top as well like you said.

I'm going to do some cleanup and make sure they are banished.

Appreciate the knowledge bro.
Can't see anything right now bro.. But now that you mention it, I did kill one earwig I spotted a couple days ago crawling around the 4x4. Yes they are eating the newer growth towards the top as well like you said.

I'm going to do some cleanup and make sure they are banished.

Appreciate the knowledge bro.
No problem man hopefully you get them gone.
A pic of the whole plant would be cool. Did you find out what the problem is/was? That looks similar to a prob I'm having. Some My leaves have holes and some are discoloring in the middle of the leaf just like yours.
A pic of the whole plant would be cool. Did you find out what the problem is/was? That looks similar to a prob I'm having. Some My leaves have holes and some are discoloring in the middle of the leaf just like yours.

The whole plant looks great! It's just the leaves in the pics with the issues.

I think CaliSmokes was right and it was an EarWig eating them, because I killed one and the holes in the leaves has stopped since then.

So I would check your grow area for ear wigs or put some sticky traps in the area since they usually come out at night.

Hope this helps.