Whats Eating my plant What do i do!!!!!!


Active Member
What is going on here I've checked my soil for bugs and larva..
I've checked under every leaf with magnifying glass..
I've checked my grow box got it clean as whistle..
Checked my stems I can't find any trace of bugs...
Anyone know whats happening here?



Active Member
Anyone know of a solution to this and or any bug preventives I could use ..... preferrably solution that I can make at home


Well-Known Member
i get a little bit of that on lower leaves. have you got a fan on it constantly? could be wind burn.


Active Member
Ok then, could it perhaps be simple damage from hitting against the bars ? or do you have damage out of range of those bars ?


Well-Known Member
try and direct the fan at a wall close to the plant so it bounces around your grow area rather than directly on the plant. if the damage is localized to the area in which the air hits the plant its wind burn. if not then explore what other enviromental issues you might have.


Active Member
I just put the bars up today I've seen little hole before since I put bars up. Got a lil worse and I just looked I see no holes out of reach of bars is it from handling it


Active Member
This is tricky I hope it don't get worsee I just flipped her to 12/12 yesterday its almost here bed time hope the bed bugs don't bite


Active Member
My fans don't blow directly on her either so I don't know can low humidity do this because although I don't have a humidty e reader ..I don't think my box is very humid


Well-Known Member
could be anythin man like you say. if the plants are fine in general keep a close eye. if you're in the northern hemisphere like me then bugs are just about starting to get active so keep a close eye for any critters eating your plants :)


Active Member
a $15.00 dollar humidifier ?
Got mine at Walgreens and it uses plastic bottled water bottles.
Convenient as hell.