What's everyone's feeding sechudle like


Active Member
just curious as to what people do with there feedings , who does






IM DOIN A W F W F but haven't really heard or read and posts of what other people do

If anyone does feed twice then water do u run the same ec or ppm each feed or go run full strength then cut the second one to 75% or 50%

Sure no two grower does it the same so let's hear some oppions
Hmmm . I try and stick with w f w f .. .. Why would it create a problem if u just stay with a basic w f w f... If everytbing is looking good then u still flip flop things or stick with a 1:1 feed and water .. I'm
Not quite following you. Cusse if everytbing is good should u still go 2:1 or 1:2 or 2:2 , i can see if things go out of whack . Mayb that what ur sayin . I stay constant with my feed and waterings and everyonce in a while will throw them a extra , mine look great growing good .. So what is ur standard routine if everything looks good ..
When i first started i used to w f w f with full strength nutes
Then i changed to w f f w f f w with full strength
Now i feed every time using 3/4 strength nutes. I worried that salt would build up and burn the girls, but as long as you get good run off everytime its fine...
I use fox farm ocean and happy frog plus a good add of big n chunky perlite so I gotta good airy draining soil , and get 30 percent run off each water and feed ... Feeding 3/4 each time is the added use of nutes worth it for the amount of growth you get rather then w f w f or w f f w .. I've been feeding around 850 to 900 veg with a water Ppm of 107 to 110 .. They r real healthy growing fast that why I haven't opted to change my routine . But if growth our Weights the cost of more nutes then it maybe worth a shot , the money's there for the added nutes but there is a line to draw between acceptable growth and just to say u get by with feeding that much if ya get what I'm sayin
I just judge as I go.

Some days I may water/feed bigger plants but not others that don't drink as much (I'm in soil)

For nutes, I judge by the age of the plant and look at it for deficiencies/excesses

I feed them a mix of FF big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom, Organic CalMag, blood meal and silica
Yeah all mine are on different schedules as far as when I feed and water so agree with that forsure , I was just mainly wanting to hear other people's thoughts and how they do it kinda runn a lil poll and see what's what ..
Now let me ask you this is something I've grown concerned or curious bout , I use a Ppm pen pretty sure it's a tds3 pen , ok so I measure my water 117 or 103 that's bout were my tap water runs , I add my nutes if I wanna feed 800 I add 900 and some change to equal the range I wanna feed , every watering and every feed I check the PH OF MY RUN OFF , ph stays around 6.2 to 6.4 as I'm watering with 6.2 to 6.5 water and nutes each time BUT HERE IS THE KICKER I DNT UNDERSTAND when checking the runn off ppm since my meter only reads to 999 then shows x10 it's hard to understand . Take lastnight for instance I fed 900 ppm on 3 plants two plants I only have ph water to the run off on each of them was reading 103 x10 so that would be 1103 some two plants I think ppm run off was 126 x10 so 1126ppm correct so if I'm feeding 900 all the time and it's coming out 1126 then why would it be higher then what I feed cause of salt build up , but when I feed and water I always always give alto of run off 3 gal containers getting 1- to 1-1/2 gallons of water that makes the soil wet but not like soggy as cause I use a good bit of perlite , so should I back off my feeding amount , mind you I just increased the feed from 750 to 900 ppm .. But I've checked the run off all way threw and it's always been higher then my feedings . I've heard talk bout if my ppms was to higher then I would have a higher or lower ph level can't remember which is it... But my ph is in sync with what I'm puting in ,just ppms r higher ... My plants look great they have great growth I am anal bout everything I do with them do neglect isn't something to consider , but I've heard u couldn't read ppm run with certain meters cause what the r designed to read . So if anyone could clear that one up would be like 100 gold stars for the day .. Should I continue with what I'm doin or do a hard flush and start over I've heard a emergency flush is not good to do but idk never have had a issue with my feedings and such !!!!
I'd like to better understand the ppm thing I've been told to just get a ec as it is more sound and better then reading ppms
I'd like to better understand the ppm thing I've been told to just get a ec as it is more sound and better then reading ppms
Ppm and Ec are the same in my opinion... You should learn how to read and check both. Also.. I check run off ppm and ph to decide what is going to go in the next feed.. Feed feed water feed feed water is a good basis to go off of for my nutes.. But I always go by the run off
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In veg I only feed 2-3 times and that is after like 3 weeks. Veg for 45-60 days usually.

You really just need to know how to read plants, nutrients deficiencies/toxicities/etc.

I'm still learning just like most of us on here.
Yea forsure X I fucked up a while back up potted my super cheese , using FFOF and happy frog , I could of swore I added 50% nutes to that damn container when I watered it after transplant , well I guess I didn't and she got a damn iron def and lucky I put a post out with pics ol boy told me said to use and do and caught it in time , I'm blaming my ol lady cause she was naggin the whole damn time tryin to get me to hurry so we could go eat , well lucky it wasn't as bad and Got it fixed but I've have a hella runn with these tuts cheese and super silver , good eaters little to no tree transplant shock , just loving life so haven't really had any problems to content with , I just keep everything consistent f w f w allow for good run off each time Dnt change much just bump things up slowly
In nature plants receive constant but small amounts of nutrition so I try to emulate that with water water feed repeat. It depends on the stage of growth obviously early in veg and in late flower the ppms are kept lower. During stretch perhaps with half strength with every feeding to help em pack on tissue mass.
I transplanted some of my older ones in straight fox farm ocean and watered in they took off like crazy well what I didn't no right off the bat was the new growth that looked light green or a hent of yella was a iron def no that came on within a week of transplant . Did the same I always do with everyone of them watered em in good let em get adjusted and hit her with quater nutes cause that FFOF is hot I figured there was enough in there to hold me over for a watering or two well clearly not she looks damn good now but made me sick almost to see that happen .. Mayb I had a lockout idk but I water good my ph is 6.4 my runn off is the same . But that super cheese has been a heavy eater like she was grttin almost 900 ppms when the tuts I had were only getting like 650 is . The tuts I got r just massive that one tut I got I tied down 3 inchs from the top and 7 days later it had grown almost 9 inchs , that's super cropping LSTing topping now just hope the smoke is good ... The super silvers I got seem a lil more sensitive to transplant and cropping so I've just went with LSTing only with them cause one of the 3 silvers I cropped and toped just damn near quit growing and just now is comin back on good mayb I was a lil rougher idk
A lot of times really vigorous growth in veg/stretch can have a yellowy look on the new leaves in my experience.

I think it is just pumping out shoots/branches as fast as it can, and they usually darken up in a couple days as they get closer to regular size
Yeah forsure that's been with all mine but this one started like burning and getting bad but got it fixed quick and back to normal .. I thought the same thing I was like damn them r growing fast so fast they can't get green then it went south