What's For Dinner Tonight?

I tried twice in my life to cook a lobster. The first time I slid it into the boiling water, and it was like that scene from Austin Powers where the guy at Dr. Evil's boardroom table didn't die well or quickly. Forty seconds of scrabblescrabblescrabble " ... you SHOT me!!!"

The second time I decided to use Julia Child's sure-fire, guaranteed quick lobster kill method ... bisect the critter's head with a big sharp knife. I widsh i had video of that poor unhappy arthropod running around the kitchen with a great big ****ing chef's knife sticking straight up out of its head like a banner.

I doubt there will be a third try, esp. since I no longer live anywhere near where lobsters go on sale. cn

Oh, just shove them in the water head first! --they only scream for a minute. . .
ceviche, steak and chips, banana fritters (slice your banana down the middle smear it with a bit of butter microwave for 1 minute), fresh lemonade - and a lobster x
Try putting the lobster in the freezer for 15 minutes or so before plunging it into the boiling water. Lobsters are cold blooded and the go into a kind of hibernation when they get really cold and move around way less.
Try putting the lobster in the freezer for 15 minutes or so before plunging it into the boiling water. Lobsters are cold blooded and the go into a kind of hibernation when they get really cold and move around way less.

Great humane tip x

Fritters? I will show you banana fritters, Mr-lazy-microwave lol

Chanice is a she and married to UncleBuck. She is to be charged with neglect of duty for failing to shave UB's awestrikingly hirsute toches, or keep his sloppy wet cock off the 'Net. cn
Haha the fritters you posted looked exactly like some good hotcakes. ;) The pancakes you posted looks like the generic identical pancakes poured out by iHOP. :p I posted some awesome apple fritters. :D

You went invisible again! Naughty Kuroi. :)
They are thick, they soak up the syrup/butter, they taste good. The thin ones like crepes taste too eggy and I don't like the texture.

It's not sensible for me to talk to you so frequently, so I'm hiding because I feel liable to say something not very sensible.
Big ole thick rib-eyes on the grill. I'm pretending its summer cause the sun is shining (but still only 20 deg :cry:)
Oh, and home made Caesar with tons of fresh garlic & Asiago dressing for the salad.