What's For Dinner Tonight?

I'm known for making the best sandwiches that may sound odd on paper but are amazing when you eat them. Tonight I'm doing a more tame sammich out of the bunch. It's made a kind of grilled cheese.
take two slices of bread, put on as much cheese as you want (I go with three slices)
Next make some tuna to any way you prefer, I do a whole can, with mustard and a little mayo, and sometimes just plain
put the tuna on your sandwich and toast it, I have a toaster that you can do pizzas and stuff in but if you don't have a larger on like that then you can toast it on the stove
While this is being done, have some bacon cooking, I usually go with 3 slices of bacon per sandwich
Take the sandwich's top piece of bread off, add the bacon and then add a layer of ranch dressing, and if you want to be healthier, you can add some lettuce too.

The final product is an awesome toasted tuna sammich with bacon and ranch. Lot of people are like "wut?" but I make it and they end up loving it. I also do supreme sandwiches that have a shit ton of stuff on them that on paper you think would be ridiculous but for some reason the flavors just make a great combination. At least half of the creations are aided with a little bit ganja too of course.
made it to the bahamas! yea,good crossing,making chili with fresh hamburger $10 a lb food is expensive here glad i have some with me. drinking local rum $8 a qt its cheaper to drink than eat here in Bahamas! smoking finger hash and orange krush, loving the Pirate Life...
Ma is cooking up pasta and chicken sauce tonight :) Plan to follow that up with a rack of bbq ribs and round it all off with a nice glass of baileys and milk with a bowl of pistachios :)
The ribs will just be for a late night 2nd dinner while watching a film or such :) I don't get fat, as in completely unable to put on a pound of weight, so i'm enjoying eating as much as i can while i can :) Got some wild boar salami in the fridge, mmmm.
We got home made dough rising, started it at 6:45 this morning. Enough for four pizzas.

The plan is:

1 Pepperoni
1 Green Pepper and Onion
1 Good ole fashioned Cheeeeese pizza.
1 Bacon and Potato with egg instead of red sauce (breakfast pizza!)
fresh cracked conch stew,its a chewy shellfish! and i am not in the USA im sailing in the bahama's its nice here! drinking homemade wine with this cool girl i met swimming today, life is extra good! yeah
wedge salad with blue cheese, shrimp cocktail and Filet mignon medium rare, ate at Addell's house my new freind i met on the beach yesterday! her house looks out on water, i can see my boat from her deck, we are going south tomorow! yahoo...
did bangers and mash for me and her indoors. she doesn't eat gravy so?!?!?

ok i have a Q. today my boss and his daughter said the best bit of Christmas dinner is the bread sauce?!?!?! I was like eeer say whaaaaat?

surely that's not even nearly traditional?
I made PERFECT risotto. It takes about 45 minutes. Then you add sauce with mushroom and artichoke hearts to the risotto, cooking for 10 minutes more.
fresh caught lobster, baked potato with everything. smoking a giant joint of orange krush,drinking Dog Fishhead / Hellbound awesome beer! heading south as fast as the wind can take me! Merry Christmas to All..
did bangers and mash for me and her indoors. she doesn't eat gravy so?!?!?

ok i have a Q. today my boss and his daughter said the best bit of Christmas dinner is the bread sauce?!?!?! I was like eeer say whaaaaat?

surely that's not even nearly traditional?

Down here its not Christmas without bread sauce. I think its bloody mingling, but people seem too love it. I do ours with minced onion and garlic fries in butter, add milk and double cream with some veg stock cube and ground nutmeg, bring to boil and add a bowl of breadcrumbs and a packet of bread sauce mix, cook though, job done. Everyone loves it, but like horseradish, I consider it a load of bollocks.