Well-Known Member
So i found somthing i dont enjoy eating today at all. Theres not alot of stuff i dont like to eat but this was one of them. Im pretty adventurous when it comes to food but eventually this is bound to happen if you try things that youve never had before. So ive heard alot about menudo, all good stuff, but ive never tried it before. I wasnt very hungry so i figured that soup would be perfect...wrong
i was at a mexican restaurant and as we all know you always get way more food than you need at mexican places. This bowl of soup was so big that i could have never finnished its contents even if it was good, which it wasnt. The red broth that was really gelatenous was pretty good actually but the honeycomb tripe wasnt. And there was sooo much of it! Id say 7/8ths of the bowl was tripe. There also wasnt anything else in it besides tripe and broth. It came with a couple corn tortillas and some parsly and onions and chillies on the side but seriously this was just a big bowl of guts that tasted awful no matter how many limes you squeezed in there. I even caught the employees watching me eat it to see how i was doing. When i ordered she looked at me like i had three eyes and said oh no, thats stomach lol I said hell ya, ill take it
I force fed myself over half the bowl but the guys just kept coming, i was hoping the bottom was coming soon but it never did. To save face i got the rest to go so i can feed it to my dog but i dont know if hell even enjoy it. Ive eaten tripe before in pho but at least theres other stuff in there to mix it up a bit, i couldnt believe this was just a pile of guts, anyway the taste is still on my face and tongue and i cant get it out of my mouth, poor dog lol look how big the chunks are too, thats a big ass spoon. Gross!