What's For Dinner Tonight?

Sounds great ... again :lol:

You should make some homemade garlic oil. Just get good olive oil and slip in a bunch of grlic cloves....

A nice addition to any cooking.
It's so easy to do too.... I always have at least two bottles of it handy....one with a large mouth for pouring and one with a drizzle spout. Great on salads too.

An easy and fast way to make it is to use 3 to 4 cups of xtra virgin olive oil and bring to a low simmer. Add about 25 cloves., and cook (poach) on low for about 25-30 minutes. let it cool, take out the garlic... ( you can eat it or put it in fridge for later), and pour the rest into a clean bottle. That's it.

You can also steep it cold, but it takes about 10 days.

Keep what you aren't using right away in the fridge. So large container in the fridge...small container by the stove.
Sweet man, I'mma have to make some for sure.
I love garlic, I find I don't seem to get sick much.
I contribute it to all the oranges and garlic I eat
I was raised on BUTTER :lol: and lots of it.

My wife was raised on Olive oil :lol: and lots of it.

It took a few years, but I finally recognized which way to go. Now we hardly ever use butter, and basically only stock it for guests.

I pour garlic oil on my popcorn... :lol:
Lemonskunk if you want recipies that include some doja check out my cookbook in the cooking section of the forum. It right at the top when you click, its chock full of great recipies. I just added a great chix kiev recipie the other day.
what? you mean to tell me you can get your head all the way down between your legs? :hump:

hahahahhahahahahaha yeah im flexible like that... i learned it from bj penn who is alo flexible like that and can eat his own pussy to lol..... frankie edger tapped that ass!!! lol

Sirloin steaks tonight.

So how was Arie Spears?
Yo he was funny as hell! I had the seat on the sideline and thought it was bad but it was where he was chillen waiting to go on stage and I talked to him for like 15 min and bought him a drink. He's cool as shit! I bought his cd and got him to sign it.
Makin a egg sam-ich for breakfast.
Egglands best, brown eggs. Local bakeries whole wheat Ciabatta buns. Thick cut Maple Bacon. Thick slice of deli cut Colby-Jack. With my homemade salsa folded in the eggs. Then..... Gonna harvest my Power Kush and Wreckage:) Its a good day! See yall when RIU opens back up..........
Just knocked off some PB&J. Something I have always loved from childhood. My wife doesn't like it, but so what!@!! More for me!! Muhahahaha!! (rubs PB all over himself)

Hahaha... I'm a peanut!