What's For Dinner Tonight?


New Member
So do you think they are actually skimming the fat out....?

I bet they simply add water..... which means they are probably making about 500% more profit off of you. You could buy reg milk....and cut it yourself.


Well-Known Member
gonna slow cook a pork shoulder roast on my bbq for the next 6hrs untill it is smokey and delicious. Maybe serve it with some baked beans and some corn or something not sure what yet though. It will be my first shoulder roast on the grill wish me luck...


New Member
excellent.... slow cooking on the barbie is the bomb.

I'm having steaks tonite but the wife is cooking them at my other place on GAS.... oh well... I'll Green Egg next week for sure. I don't even know what cut they are...my sister and her husband brought them, which is usually a BIG no no for me.. I insist my guests come empty handed. It's my sis, and she's about the only one who can get away with that.... :lol: SOK though..... I sent her kids 5 lbs of whole grain kernels....plain. I put it in a beautifully wrapped package with ribbons.... :lol:

She called me up later.... wtf Cracker? :lol: The kids went from elation to wth???????????? Zing.... Uncle Cracker..... what's he going to do next!?

Ak... just a suggestion but if you have some room... slip a small heat resistant (pyrex) container in there full of veggies and or sausage. drizzle it heavy with olive oil and garlic and spices you like.... just have to keep them moist...kind of why I always slip sausage (sex joke?) in there with the veggies....


New Member
well the steaks were very good.... and my wife grilled some taters with it. I popped a nice French Chateau red, and we enjoyed it outside while watching the sunset. :lol:


New Member
Rob.... what browser are you using.... try Chrome.... my pages are a soft beige and mild pea green buttons with a white text background for the posts. Easy on the eyes...if that is your concern