What's For Dinner Tonight?

you saying i've got assburgers now like?!?! bloody cheek! just kiddin man! i do overreact a fair bit though.

i had the culinary delights of fish fingers and chips tonight. not even picture worthy :(
fish finger and ketchup sandwhich :) I found some venison meatballs in the freezer, they're probably in there for a reason but i'm hungry.

I was talking about myself overreacting. I often go into long winded "debates" and refuse to drop it as opposed to saying it's a joke deal with it. I'm not diagnosed with aspergers, but i tick every box, the gf's (who has it) family are convinced it have it, my ma suspects my dad has it and strongly believes his dad has it. Seems the odds are against me.
Breakfast was a soggy piece of shit chicken biscuit from circle K, lunch is adderal 20's, and dinner is high alcohol beer, and maybe a frozen pizza later. :) winning.
Breakfast was a soggy piece of shit chicken biscuit from circle K, lunch is adderal 20's, and dinner is high alcohol beer, and maybe a frozen pizza later. :) winning.

spoken like a true champ im along those lines myself stale beer and some lil cesars pizza..
This is for you pommy bastards !!!!!
Fuck me, i dont even know what a pommy bastard is :( this is the food thread, not the being pissed off thread. Politics and toke n talks for that, just show me the cheese burgers :):):)
Fuck me, i dont even know what a pommy bastard is :( this is the food thread, not the being pissed off thread. Politics and toke n talks for that, just show me the cheese burgers :):):)

Don't worry i'm not pissed off at anybody !!! Relax already
I were just taking the piss out of the British good folk .
I'm sure there are no hurt feelings hear .
I love our pom friends !!!!!
What the hells a pommy anyway? Sounds like somthing to do with potatos? :lol:

That's just a slang term us aussies call the British or English .
Sounds like somthing to do with potatoes , Hahahahaha thats funny ass !
It's just like the British / English / poms call us aussies convicts !
Just nick names thats all .
That's just a slang term us aussies call the British or English .
Sounds like somthing to do with potatoes , Hahahahaha thats funny ass !
It's just like the British / English / poms call us aussies convicts !
Just nick names thats all .
i just looked it up, says its a term of affectionate abuse. Means somthing about them being convicts too. I thought it ment potato lover lmfao :oops: