What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member
if you guy want to make a prime rib or any steak taste much better it needs to be dry aged. If you go to speciality meat shops for it it could cost up to $27 a pound but, all you need is your favorite cut of steak(make sure it is a thick cut) some cheesecloth and a fridge. Take your steak and wrap in 2 layers of cheesecloth. Let sit in fride UNCOVERED for about 3 days. When its done slice away the dry ugly meat and your left with a Dry aged cut of beef. The dryaging process allows for the enzymes in the meat to begin the process of decomposing and those enzymes eat away at all the connective tissues allowing for a steak as tender and juicy. I promise you will not be disappointed just remember to get a thicker cut steak because it will lose alot of its weight in the fridge.


Well-Known Member
Tonight is Old El Paso Taco night. The wife has been craving it and it is my night to make dinner so that is what I will make. And for a side dish I have some spanish rice with black beans tomatoes and corn crocking in the crock pot. I will cover all mine with hot sauce but she doesnt't like hot sauce like so I will sneak in a few drops while cooking or maybe a few tbs. heh


New Member
if you guy want to make a prime rib or any steak taste much better it needs to be dry aged. If you go to speciality meat shops for it it could cost up to $27 a pound but, all you need is your favorite cut of steak(make sure it is a thick cut) some cheesecloth and a fridge. Take your steak and wrap in 2 layers of cheesecloth. Let sit in fride UNCOVERED for about 3 days. When its done slice away the dry ugly meat and your left with a Dry aged cut of beef. The dryaging process allows for the enzymes in the meat to begin the process of decomposing and those enzymes eat away at all the connective tissues allowing for a steak as tender and juicy. I promise you will not be disappointed just remember to get a thicker cut steak because it will lose alot of its weight in the fridge.
yes...that's true enough. if I am in Orlando or Tampa I always go to Ruth Cris' Steak house where they have dry aged beef. yes, it is expensive...but you only go through life once.

There is an old axiom which I learned years ago...and I have always kept it close to my heart head and wallet.

"If you buy cheaply....you will cry 1000 times. if you buy quality....you will only cry once...when you buy it."

So true....

Tonight is Old El Paso Taco night. The wife has been craving it and it is my night to make dinner so that is what I will make. And for a side dish I have some spanish rice with black beans tomatoes and corn crocking in the crock pot. I will cover all mine with hot sauce but she doesnt't like hot sauce like so I will sneak in a few drops while cooking or maybe a few tbs. heh
Man.... who doesn't like tacos???? :lol: Like heroin.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what is on the menu tonight. I have a choice of baby back ribs with potatoes and veggies or herb crusted cornish game hens with mashed potatoes and veggis. probably go with the game hens been a while since i cooked thoose they are my wifes fav.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Where do you live TTT? I can tell you that I pay about 7 bucks a lb. for ribs which is as much as a ribeye or a porterhouse cut. Meanwhile the "country style" ribs are the same price as the boned ribs.... so...:wink:

Tasted the same to me.
man alive. i'm in sunny old england. and go feek, it really is sunny old england at present, whey! (go feek? not sure what book i read that one from haha)

we sell no ribs of any shape or form other than beef forerib. we just throw them away or give them away for free. i generally find myself with a few dozen to stick in the freezer most weeks. i'm a bit bored of em now.

ribeye on the other hand is around £8/lb, forerib is around £5.50/lb and same price for porterhouse(T-Bone steak here). fillet goes all the way upto £18/lb. all of these prices vary wildly between breeds and the source and hanging time of course.

nothing better than going out to a chinese and ordering a fuck off big plate of sticky ribs to start with :) speaking of which there is a chinese outside my backwindow, maybe i could hook up one of those pulley clothesline things :lol:

y'all have funny names for some of your steaks, i'll tell you that much, had to google around to find out just what a boneless strip steak is. just plain run of the mill sirloin steak is it not? (i always laugh when i'm working with americans and they go on about a feeeeeeellet of salmon or beef etc. it's fillet :lol: if ya can't have french fries ya can't have feeellet :D


man alive. i'm in sunny old england. and go feek, it really is sunny old england at present, whey! (go feek? not sure what book i read that one from haha)

we sell no ribs of any shape or form other than beef forerib. we just throw them away or give them away for free. i generally find myself with a few dozen to stick in the freezer most weeks. i'm a bit bored of em now.

ribeye on the other hand is around £8/lb, forerib is around £5.50/lb and same price for porterhouse(T-Bone steak here). fillet goes all the way upto £18/lb. all of these prices vary wildly between breeds and the source and hanging time of course.

nothing better than going out to a chinese and ordering a fuck off big plate of sticky ribs to start with :) speaking of which there is a chinese outside my backwindow, maybe i could hook up one of those pulley clothesline things :lol:

y'all have funny names for some of your steaks, i'll tell you that much, had to google around to find out just what a boneless strip steak is. just plain run of the mill sirloin steak is it not? (i always laugh when i'm working with americans and they go on about a feeeeeeellet of salmon or beef etc. it's fillet :lol: if ya can't have french fries ya can't have feeellet :D
:clap: well said..was just about to say are all you steak heads from usa..lol,and up pops a uk bloke..:weed:


Well-Known Member
I could really go for some Korean food:

Bulgogi with a order of Calbi, white rice, Dumplings and Kimchi w/ chile pepper

I'm also a sucker for Miso soup but i believe that is Japanese!


Well-Known Member
Rob: I have no idea, but allz i know is Kimchi is Korean cabbage with spices.. Pretty good shit if you"re into Veggies and like some heat:hump:


Well-Known Member
Word.. Ever go to a Korean Bbq Joint in the states? It's pretty good man. They put this round Charcoal Grille right in the middle of the table and you cook it yourself (well the meat that is) .. You cook as you eat and the meat is so thin it takes less then a minute.. The calbi ribs on another hand i normally put on first and let it cook while we eat all the Bulgogi..