What's For Dinner Tonight?


… roasted garlic mashed potatoes and thick cut porkchops baked with a drizzel of e.v.o.o. Sazon and adobo.

Made it in 45 minutes while cleaning at the same time!
damn worm you eat late as shit lol.

I said fuck the chicken and just ordered some Texas Fries.There so good,Anyone ever have them?
My wife got home late (from shopping :wink: of course), and brought me some Bourbon Chicken. Usually I won't eat this late, but I haven't eaten since lunch so... mmm mmm. Now I'll have to stay up late. Knock off some push ups...:lol:
I guess it's going to be Crow for me tonight. I predicted the software change would improve the site. I'm not usually wrong on predictions, but luckily I have some hash to console my stupidity.
god this site looks fucking horrible now lol.I took a quick glance earlier but now after navigating through it I just cant stand it,SWITCH IT BACK!

Anyway im having left over texas fries.
you ever had miso pork or miso chicken CJ? I've been eating that lately and damn it sure is good. on the sweet side though. wash it down with a lot of rice:weed:
What up y'all? Shit I finally got on this site this morning to find out they fucked this shit all up. Grits and eggs with ham.Peace.
Grits!!!! I love grits!! With a touch of brown sugar or maple syrup!

I used to do this contract up in Orlando, and after I made my delivery of my product, which I had to make early, I would always stop at a Cracker Barrel for breakfast. It kind of made up for getting up at 3:30 and driving 2 hours each time I went (about 3 times a week).

So I'm sitting at my usual table.... waiting on some fried catfish and GRITS, and this family of 2 women and 4 kids sits down next to my table. As soon as they begin talking it is obvious they were from NYC and going to Disney (of course). Well my breakfast is served while they are looking at the menu. All of a sudden, they stop talking and I hear a whisper, "what the heck is that stuff". Out of the corner of my eye I can see they are staring at my table. Without looking up or at them I simply said.... "They are GRITS"..... :lol: "Oh lord, is that what that is"? We all laughed out loud.
I offered them each a taste and surprisingly, they tried it.... now I had put my smattering of maple on them already, and they LOVED it! They each ordered some as a side dish and were enjoying them greatly when I left.
I wished them a great day at Disney and was on my way.
I got a chuckle out of the fact that white bread Cracker got to introduce some black family to grits..... yah...they were black! It's a regional thing!!! Next time I bump into them, I'm gonna share some black eyed peas with them too...:lol: