Man, this is kinda a tough diagnose. hmmm.. have you tried maybe moving your lights a few inches further away from the plants? I know your using CFL lights, and they don't put out much heat.. but when you have that many.. that close together.. you could possibly be generating too much heat for the plants. Try that for a week or two.. and see if the leafs improve.
Also, how often are you feeding them with nutes? How often you water them??
and lastly... you do have a fan for your plants don't you???? I think that's one of the things ppl don't realize.. or think about often enough.
You gotta have air circulation for the plants... not only to provide fresh moving air for them.. (and the soil)... but the gentle swaying of the plants, that is caused by the air from the fans.. actually helps the plants in the long run. It helps the plants to get stronger.. and also helps them build nice and healthy robust 'main stems'. The plants need this.. in order to support its self, as it gains weight from more and more growth.
One last question for ya.. how old are your plants here.. and at what point did you decide to 'top' the plant? I can clearly see where you 'topped' her.. and if you did this too early in its life.. it could also cause problems and stress the plant.
Hope this helped..
have any further questions?? just ask!
peace and good luck to ya's.