What's going on here?


Well-Known Member

I've got 4 more of this strain growing and they all look perfectly healthy. Soil is FFOF, only fertilized once at 1/2 strength with Earth Juice mix of grow, bloom, catalyst. The cup does feel a bit heavier than the rest so I'm thinking I watered this one a bit too much accidentally so now I'm trying to let the soil dry out then I'll water with a touch of epsom salt mixed in.

Does this look like over watering or something else?


Well-Known Member
i have the same thing dude. em when i get it sorted i will post my findings to you. if you fix it first please let me know


Well-Known Member
Your plant has a condition called Whorled Phillotaxy ..a twisting of the leaves, due to many crossbreeds involved, the good news is your plant will grow out of it, but not before you kill it with too much nute ...avoid feeding so much too a young plant, and should you later ensure you have a 30-50% perlite mix in that soil to dilute these 'hot' effects