what's going on with my buds?


Well-Known Member
hi, fellers.

she's in flowering week 7. 135 w of cfl, growing in soil w/ pearlite, feeding with biobizz biobloom and biogrow. judging from research, i have a magnesium deficiency as well, so i did a little foliar feeding with epsom salts, watered soil with the salts as well.

anyway, the buds have been starting to act strange lately. some of the new retarded leaves have almost no trichomes. see for yourself. it seems like some sort of foxtailing?

i really have no idea what is happening, any input would be greatly appreciated.




Well-Known Member
Do you have your lights on a timer? Is that timer working? Is your room pitch black dark in night cycle and plants getting 12 hours darkness? Check those first. If those are all good did you feed a large dose of nitrogen recently? How hot is it at canopy level?

Your plants are trying to go into vegetative stage.

Edit: some folks seem to think it is a bad idea to suggest that your lighting may be off and that stress has caused vegetative growth. I am by no means a botanist and i am guessing that they are not either. Of course you should use your own best judgement. I woukd still check your timer and maybe stand in your grow in dark cycle to make sure you arent having light related issues and check your canopy temps. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
At 7 weeks flowering your leaves should NOT look perfectly green. It is very normal for them to yellow up and start dying. I hope you didnt freak and feed a huge dose of grow nutrients.


Well-Known Member
thank you shivaskunk for your reply.for the foliar feeding - i just sprayed a little epsom salts, that's it. usually the lower leaves start yellowing.. right? i just had random yellow spots, which turned to rust spots.,tried to correct that somehow. but ok.
the timer has been going 12/12 for the 7th week now, nothing has changed really. it was all perfect, until around 1,5 weeks ago. the same lighting cycle, the same everything basically. same feeding schedule. hm.

anyhow, i will double check the timer. maybe i should put it 13/11?


Active Member
Do you have your lights on a timer? Is that timer working? Is your room pitch black dark in night cycle and plants getting 12 hours darkness? Check those first. If those are all good did you feed a large dose of nitrogen recently?

Your plants are trying to go into vegetative stage.
What this man said but i would say they already made it into veg. Any time schedules are now out the window, you must have a major light leak or timer failure for that to happen. It is not down to using veg nutes in flower, I give my girls a splash of veg nute right in the middle of flowering, just a splash mind and they love it.

The leaf damage was prob about 7-10 days ago and OP has certainly over fed summink.

Trying to switch her back to flower??? 2-3 weeks to flip again, too long for me plus she will explode with new growth and will be a nightmare to manage. I personally would chop her and start again.

Find that light leak dude. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
why is this 'light leak' showing only now? as i said, everything went very well, until around 1.5 weeks ago.

mrmeangreen, what do you exactly mean by 'nightmare to manage'? cant i just wait for 2 weeks, wait until the old growth is ready and then chop her?
i mean, will this problem interfere with the old growth getting ready?

Dice Clay

Active Member
What this man said but i would say they already made it into veg. Any time schedules are now out the window, you must have a major light leak or timer failure for that to happen. It is not down to using veg nutes in flower, I give my girls a splash of veg nute right in the middle of flowering, just a splash mind and they love it.

The leaf damage was prob about 7-10 days ago and OP has certainly over fed summink.

Trying to switch her back to flower??? 2-3 weeks to flip again, too long for me plus she will explode with new growth and will be a nightmare to manage. I personally would chop her and start again.

Find that light leak dude. Good luck.
what in the fuck are you babbling about? Your plants are budding.. not turning hermy.... just budding... feed them straight water for the next 2 weeks and you will be fine.... seriously what the hell was mrmeangreen trying to say.. its no wonder you have no rep with 500 posts.....

There is nothing wrong with your buds... stop overthinking and over nuting it.


Active Member
what in the fuck are you babbling about? Your plants are budding.. not turning hermy Did I say hermie?? NO..... just budding... feed them straight water for the next 2 weeks and you will be fine.... seriously what the hell was mrmeangreen trying to say.. its no wonder you have no rep with 500 posts..... I didn't realise that my 120 likes and 151 REP (not that I give a shit about a number) was classed as no rep.

There is nothing wrong with your buds... stop overthinking and over nuting it.
Listen you mouthy little prick, those plants have mutated. Mutation don't happen for nothing and don't mean hermie. From the Info I have, those plants look to me like they are reverting / reverted back to veg, mutates every time. I do it intentionally to create super clones.

OP.... I may be wrong, but i have been there and got the T-Shirt, same shit different day. Super clones blast out new shoots like a mother fucker and as such create alot of foliage which in turn, on your already bigish palnts, creates problems with air circulation and light penetration. Any nasties like DPM , bud rot or mites will wipe out the crop without warning and you won't see it coming. Cutting all the new growth away will shock your plants further and stimulate further new growth pulling resources away from flowering and your buds.

Wait a week and see if your bud development is stunted.


Well-Known Member
Please stop being abusive Mr MG (How apt?). There are other sites for that. Surely the whole point of this one is for us all to chill out.
Dormeo, Shiva, I would agree a light leak. Looks like they have re-vegged.
I hate the kiddies that get on here sometimes. Surely there is a law against it?
In real life, do you know how much of an idiot you sound? It's so easy to be a prat on the 'net but grow up a bit.
You don't sound big and you don't sound hard and if I ever met you and you actually spoke to me like that.....Well, I have too much self-respect. I wouldn't threaten you. I wouldn't give you the opportunity to see it coming.


Active Member
I must agree, the plant is trying to go back into veg.

and no the current growth will not continue to finish (at least not from my exp) it will turn brown and dry up with new branches coming out of the old brown buds. It will take up to a month for the plant to settle back into veg enough to be safe to flower again. For many the plant will be far to big by this point to manage.

good luck with what ever you decide.

Dice Clay

Active Member
I am not going to argue the scientifically proven photo cycles of a plant, it's physiological reactions to photo period etc.... Because it is clear that no one here cares about logical facts or solutions. A light leak will not cause a plant to re-veg at 7 weeks of 12/12..... it will however force the plant to produce male pollen sacks. The process of changing from a budding plant to a vegging one is a violent, stressfull, and LENGTHY one. It takes a month just for the budding to stop, and another 2 weeks after that for the reversion to occur. Look at the size and maturity of the OP's buds... there are no signs of pollen sacks, the bodies of the buds are dense and packed with crystals, with only the tips stretching above the others (foxtail) It is amusing that no one asked about this plants genetics... as it seems to look like a plant from bag seed (not an insult) and mutations tend to occur randomly at a much higher percentage with inferior genetics. Mutations do occur unprompted when a plant has weak genes.

If the plant were to revert to vegging it would take a continuous and permanent lengthened photo-period, and not just a leak letting in a little bit of light into the room. There are acceptable lumen levels as well as color spectrum that flowering plants can be subject to without disturbing the concentration of hormones that are developing during dark hours.

I am done with this thread and the OP knows what to do... again am tired of these cookie cutter epsom salt, cal mag, PH diagnoses from novice growers....


Well-Known Member
Just had my first experience of a re-veg .
It did take a while to revert to veg.
Came out like a little bush and is took a while to recover.
Just gone back to 12/12.
I would put it as straight evens with starting again.
However, not flowered out yet so only time will tell.
Apologies for stressing at the idiot earlier.
Peace fellow adult growers.


New Member
Heat and other Stresses at the end of the flowering cycle often stimulate such foxtailing and new growth , this is not a reveging plant as stated , you would have whorled leaves and calyx death first and foremost lol not foxtailing ..

The advice on this website has to be the worst ever simply put .. But fortunately others with brains here do a good job for the most part at intercepting the bullshit posted ..


Well-Known Member
New leaf and branch growth isn't vegetative? Whatever. Good luck OP hope you get some good smoke off those.


Active Member
Please stop being abusive Mr MG (How apt?). There are other sites for that. Surely the whole point of this one is for us all to chill out.
Dormeo, Shiva, I would agree a light leak. Looks like they have re-vegged.
I hate the kiddies that get on here sometimes. Surely there is a law against it?
In real life, do you know how much of an idiot you sound? It's so easy to be a prat on the 'net but grow up a bit.
You don't sound big and you don't sound hard and if I ever met you and you actually spoke to me like that.....Well, I have too much self-respect. I wouldn't threaten you. I wouldn't give you the opportunity to see it coming.
LOL..... Another anal sphincter (could have said arsehole but didn't want to upset you) chirps in. I was gonna leave this but as you insult me more than once I felt compelled. Did you read the initial Dice Clays message to me?? Obviously not. This is where the swearing and insults began before you started typing your useless rubbish. If you don't like what I write, don't read is. Very apt avatar..... you truely are a muppet.


Well-Known Member
Time will tell what is going on here..... OP what is your plan??
i guess i did some over-nuting. flushed yesterday. by the way, the strain is unknown, it could possibly be bagseed. but there is no other possible stress than the nutes. anyway, it should be finished in two weeks. i will be getting some good smoke anyway :) thank you everyone for your help. sorry my thread started an argument. lol


Active Member
i guess i did some over-nuting. flushed yesterday. by the way, the strain is unknown, it could possibly be bagseed. but there is no other possible stress than the nutes. anyway, it should be finished in two weeks. i will be getting some good smoke anyway :) thank you everyone for your help. sorry my thread started an argument. lol
Would you mind popping back in a week or so for an update. Keep an eye on new shoot growing, mutant leaves and if ya buds are stunted or not. I hope I am wrong to an extent, you are about to hit the fattening stage but that aint gonna happen if it jumped back to veg for a while.

Good luck mate.