Whats going on?


Active Member
Ok so i planted 3 seeds about 2 days ago and i watered them that day..... i think i mightve overwatered them, however i am growing them in a plastic cup.... i did poke 4 holes in the bottom of the cup but im not sure how much water got out.... when are they going to sprout? how am i going to know they are dead? how much water should i be giving them for a 4-5 inch plastic cup? please help!


Well-Known Member
You should of dropped the seeds into distilled water and tap them down.The ones that sprout have white root coming out of the bottom of the seed.They will start to turn all dark if they aren't going to germ..


Active Member
no, you dont understand, i already germinated them i left them in moist paper towel and in 2 days the white roots broke through the seeds... then i was at the part i wrote about


Active Member
What i mean is........ i put them in soil and watered them.. like im starting to grow them but they havnt sprouted yet into leaves and its been almost 3 days ive left them out in the sun and everything