Whats happening to my babies?!?!?!


Hey guys would really appreciate some input I'm really stressing out over this. The plants are Northern Lights strain in 3rd week of Veg. Growing indoors in 5 Gal fabric pots under 54w 6500k t5 lights. Temperature is kept at 75 and humidity at about 60%. I had a thrip infestation about 2 weeks ago but treated the plants with Avid at about 2ml per gallon foliar spray and they are now gone. I also have a few OGs which seem to be very healthy so I'm not sure what could have caused this. Any input would be much appreciated.



I was told this is a cal-mag deficiency. I am only giving about 2ml per gal of cal-mag should I up the dosage a little?


Well-Known Member
It looks like you have a thrips infestation. I'd use spinosad, it'll take a bit to get healthy again, they are badly damaged.


Well-Known Member
They look under fed and under lit. As well as chewed up. I second the soil born bacterium as maintenance. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Avid is a very strong pesticide and is not the go to cure for thrips. Spinosad as mentioned above is what you should use in the future.

The avid has shocked the plants..and your in too larger a pot for this size of plant.

Don't overwater, Do NOT add more calmag. They should start to bounce back in about two weeks.
Feeding them more will make things worse not better.



Avid is a very strong pesticide and is not the go to cure for thrips. Spinosad as mentioned above is what you should use in the future.

The avid has shocked the plants..and your in too larger a pot for this size of plant.

Don't overwater, Do NOT add more calmag. They should start to bounce back in about two weeks.
Feeding them more will make things worse not better.

The thing is that I have a couple of OGs that also were treated with avid but they seem to be perfectly healthy.


Hey guys the thrips had came back and i hadnt noticed. I have sprayed and flushed with spinosad so far so good no signs of thrips☺