Whats happening to my plant?

Going off the 2nd upload , plant seems to be expressing mobile def , is there any chlorosis/ further up then shown in pics ?
even if its not as severe. without knowing the watering shedule , tldr.... i am guessing it could be calmag however that is just a stab in the dark!

Are you soil based or coco ?

if your running alot of coir in the mix ( media ) the coco being basically inert can tend to leech magnesium , looks like nitrogen def , so grower drowns it with more salt and water.... in my expierence cal mag def has always corrected itself in flower , being largely due to my ppms going north and p.h is adjusted to 6.0 6.2 so its more avaliable at those ranges.. anyways thanks for posting , i hope this helps
Im cultivating in medium soil, watering schedule was classic water, water, nut..
Nutrients levels:1ml/l grow, micro, bloom..chlorosis symptoms on bottom leaves, from first to second/third node
Going off the 2nd upload , plant seems to be expressing mobile def , is there any chlorosis/ further up then shown in pics ?
even if its not as severe. without knowing the watering shedule , tldr.... i am guessing it could be calmag however that is just a stab in the dark!

Are you soil based or coco ?

if your running alot of coir in the mix ( media ) the coco being basically inert can tend to leech magnesium , looks like nitrogen def , so grower drowns it with more salt and water.... in my expierence cal mag def has always corrected itself in flower , being largely due to my ppms going north and p.h is adjusted to 6.0 6.2 so its more avaliable at those ranges.. anyways thanks for posting , i hope this helps
Growing on soil.. Chlorosis symptoms on bottom leaves.
The big fan leaf on the first uploaded photo dried out and its spreading to other leaves


Well-Known Member
Looks like what happened to me on my first grow when thought I had use to only r.o water in soil. Even with the cal-mag it looked like that with fox farms soil. Come to find out after some reading around a good soil base will balance your p.h with TAP water and my ph is 7.6 and plants loves it never that problem again. Just stuff in tap water your plants need...I think
Looks like what happened to me on my first grow when thought I had use to only r.o water in soil. Even with the cal-mag it looked like that with fox farms soil. Come to find out after some reading around a good soil base will balance your p.h with TAP water and my ph is 7.6 and plants loves it never that problem again. Just stuff in tap water your plants need...I think
The problem is.. Ive got 8.5 ph tap water and thats absolutely no good for the plant